Fill in the Blanks: Level B1 " The Ecuador Amazon, Grammar present perfect passive voice.
Completar frasesGrammar : present perfect passive voice
Fill in the Blanks: Level B1 " Topic The Ecuadorian Amazon. Grammar; present perfect "
Completar frasesTest your knowledge of Level B1 language skills with this Fill in the Blanks game!
English Grammar and Exercises we use "will" and going to".
Completar frasesPlease fill in the blanks on the questionnaire; Use "will" and " going to".
Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice.
Completar frasesPassive Voice
Present perfect "Exercises"
Completar frasesPresent perfect "Exercises" level; A2.1"
chosse tge correct the Countable- Nouns and Uncountable-nouns
Completar frasesCountable and Uncountable
Rellena el espacio en blanco con la palabra 'hoa'
Completar frasesUn juego divertido para poner a prueba tus conocimientos de vocabulario. Completa las frases con la palabra 'hoa' y demuestra cuánto sabes.
The seasons.
Spooky story
Completar frasesFind and select the appropriate vocabulary in these sentences.