Possessive Adjectives
Ordenar PalabrasOrder the sentences in the corrrect form. If you answer is incorrect you are going to lose. You have only 3 lives!
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer.
Film vocabulary
Video QuizHere you are going to watch some short videos and you have to guess what kind of film it is.
Passive Voice & Film Vocabulary
Video QuizHere you are going to find some sentences that you have to complete according to the sceneses. You have to write them in passive voice, including film vocabulary.
Neither and So
DiálogoListen carefully to the conversation with the use of "neither" and "so", repeat and practice.,
DictadoYou are going to listen carefully to the audios and you are going to write correctly the main verb with the ending ing or infinitive. Remember to write the sentence number that it is in list form .
Second conditional
Video QuizYou will find some short videos where you must listen carefully to the use of the second conditional to answer correctly.
Reported Speech
Completar frasesComplete the text with the correct words and the correct form of the sentences reported that appear in the text
Crime vocabulery
Sopa de letrasHere you are going to find some words about crime vocabulary, there are 15 words, you can find some verbs, noun, phrasal verbs, etc.
Ask for directions
DiálogoListen carefully the conversation to ask for direction on the street
Past perfect questions
DictadoListen carefully and write the sentence correctly.
Past perfect
Ordenar PalabrasRewrite the main sentence using correctly the past perfect.
Video QuizComplete the sentence with the correct verb watched in th evideo.
AdivinanzaGuess what actor/actress
Common verb phrases
Relacionar GruposYou have to match the verbs with the main verb.
Completar frasesYou have to orden correctly to create a sentence.
Phrasal verbs
Relacionar ColumnasHere you will find some phrasal verbs where you have to relate correctly
Irregular Verbs
MemoryHere you will to find some verbs in past
Ruleta de PalabrasHere you will find vocabulary about animals.
Sopa de letrasHere you will find some regular comparatives
CrucigramaHere you will find some justin bieber's albums