family members
Sopa de letrasfind the family members
Juego de Familia en Inglés
Froggy JumpsPon a prueba tus conocimientos sobre los miembros de la familia en inglés.
sopa de letras animals
Sopa de letrasanimals cant and can
animals can can't
Froggy Jumpsuso de can y can't con animales de la selva
Match the colors
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the colors
Past Simple verbs
Froggy JumpsFill in the gaps
Modals of Speculation
Froggy JumpsModal verbs of speculation exercise
Completar frasesthe song
Exercise about verbs, P.S - P.P and PS (D)
Froggy JumpsTo practice verbs in the past simple and present perfect
Choose the correct alternative using simple past or past perfect.
Past Continuous vs Past Simple
Froggy JumpsPractice for our test.
Past Simple exercise
Ruleta de PalabrasUse PAST SIMPLE to write the missing verb