Varieties of English Language
Video QuizQuiz about the varieties of English language
British Culture Quiz
Froggy JumpsAnswer the questions about the English Culture.
At the Restaurant
DiálogoRead the dialogue carefully.
DictadoListen to the email and write it.
There is/ There are
PresentaciónWatch the video about the topic. Read the sentences and decide if they are true or false.
First Conditional
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words and write the sentence.
What is the vegetable?
Ordenar LetrasOrder the letters to find the word.
Rooms of the House
Mapa InteractivoIdentify the parts of the house.
A day around London
Video QuizWatch the video and answer the questions.
What is in the picture?
AdivinanzaFollow the clues and find out.
The House
Relacionar GruposFind the words from the groups.
The Buckingham Palace
Completar frasesRead the text and fill in the gaps.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures with the words.
Travelling in the UK
TestWatch the video and answer the questions.
Rooms of the House
MemoryMatch the pictures with the words and sounds.
School Subjects
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the names of the school subjects.
What's the job?
Sopa de letrasIdentify the jobs
Identify the words
CrucigramaIdentify the words.