Froggy Jumps
Are you wearing/ Is he wearing...?
Students practice short answers with direct question "Are you wearing/ Is he or she wearing...?"
Froggy Jumps
Days of the week
It's a game to practice the days of the week and the words "before" and "after".
Ordenar Palabras
Things you can do at school
Decide what activities you can and can't do in different places at school
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Verbi modali
Quest'attività è utile per praticare i verbo modali, dovere, potere y volere.
Completar frases
Relationships vocabulary
This game is helpful to practice vocabulary referring to relationships.
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Verbi irregolari presente
Questo esercizio serve per coniugare alcuni verbi irregolari nel presente.
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Verbi regolari presente
Questa attività serve per imparare a coniugare i verbi al presente indicativo
Verbi regolari presente
Questa attività serve per praticare i verbi regolari al presente indicativo.
Sopa de letras
Verbi regolari presente
Questa attività serve per paticare i verbi coniugati al presente indicativo.
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Questions with "be"
This exercise will help you practice the verb "be" in different questions.
Sopa de letras
Suffixes -full and -less
This exercise will help you practice the suffixes -ful and -less
Completar frases
This activity will help you practice the articles 'a, an, the' and the word 'some'.
Past particple verbs
This exercise will help you practice the past participle of irregular verbs
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Past participle verbs
This exercise will help you to practice the past participle of irregular verbs
Spelling exercise
This exercise will help you practice listening to email addresses, phone numbers and other words by spelling.
Sopa de letras
Past simple verbs
In this activity you will practice the irregular and regular verbs in the past form.
In questa presentazione potete vedere come si presenta e si saluta in italiano.
Completar frases
La città di Roma
Leggete il testo e poi completate con gli articoli che mancano. Ricordatevi l'uso del plurale e del singolare.