El siguiente test, esta realizado con el objetivo de probar tus conocimientos adquiridos en el ciclo escolar pasado.
Sopa de letras
Homonyms Word Search
Find homonyms in this challenging word search. Then on a piece of paper write a sentence with 5 of the words found.
Relacionar Grupos
Very or absolutely?
Test your knowledge of extreme adjectives by matching adjectives with the correct adverb in this fun and challenging game!
Froggy Jumps
Relative Clauses Quiz
Test your knowledge on defining and non-defining relative clauses with this quiz game!
Relacionar Grupos
Relative Pronouns and Adverbs Challenge
Test your knowledge of relative pronouns and adverbs by categorizing them into groups.
Ordenar Palabras
Possessive 's / Have got / Possessive determiners (D)
Let's order the words to make sentences or questions
Froggy Jumps
Past Simple vs Present Perfect
Practicing the difference in use for past simple and present perfect
Froggy Jumps
Future Continuous, Perfect or Perfect Continuous
Practice the difference among future continuous, perfect and perfect continuous