Froggy JumpsFroggy jumps to check Hallowe'en vocabulary and history.
Present Simple
Froggy JumpsStudents must choose the correct form of the Present Simple.
Weather, St Patrick, Adverbs
Ruleta de PalabrasRevision for unit 5
-ing spelling
Froggy JumpsStudents will practice the spelling rules for -ing
These clothes are great!!!
Froggy JumpsStudents will practice demonstratives and clothes descriptions.
Body, Plurals and Possessives
Froggy JumpsStudents will practice basic vocabulary
Listening 35
Froggy JumpsMultiple choice listening
Christmas, Christmas!
Froggy JumpsRudolph nd other Christmassy stuff…
Mr Bean Christmas Video Quiz (D)
Video QuizAnswer the questions to watch the next part of the video!
Froggy JumpsDifference between personal pronouns and possessive adjectives.
Simon says… or not!
Completar frasesBody actions.
Body Parts (D)
MemoryMatch the pictures and the words.
Body Parts
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the pictures and the words.
Body, Months, Days, Subjects
Ruleta de PalabrasVocabulary we have seen in this term