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The history of the art
We have to match the images with the correct descriptions, all is about the video that you already saw.
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History of the Mona Lisa
write the correct words in the blank spaces of the sentences based on the video you already saw previously
Meeting Van Gough
With the help of the text provided above, complete the crossword, you must take into account definitions and good reading comprehension.
Video Quiz
Future plans explanation
In this video you will see a brief explanation about the use of "Will and Going to". Then, you will have to respond a series of questions to strengthen the knowledge of the topic you have just covered...
Sergio's Activity
In this activity you wil have to complete the crossword puzzle according to basic knowledge about astronomy.
Jose's activity
Solve the crossword. The definitions are going to be given to you, put the specific word according to its definition
Lucia's activity
Concentrate on the images that are going to be shown to you. Find the pairs of images.
Video Quiz
Passive Voice (Group activity)
After watch the explanation about the passive voice, answer the five questions that are going to be provided.