Vocabulary Review (Vale)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch each word to its description/definition.
Questions and Answers
Relacionar ColumnasMatch each question to its corresponding response
Vocabulary II (CA)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to their corresponding meaning
What is the teacher saying?
DictadoListen to the audios and write down what you hear
Nat Review
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer.
Word Review
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the words.
Review Activity for Dayra
Froggy JumpsMatch the words to their correct meaning.
Froggy JumpsMatch the english word to its correct meaning.
TestListen to the questions and answer accordingly.
Vocabulary (CA)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to their correct spanish meaning
Loneliness in a world of mass connection
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to the correct sentence
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer
CrucigramaFill in the crossword puzzle with the correct phrasal verb
Vocab & Grammar Review for kids
Froggy JumpsFill in the space in blank with the correct option.
Complete the sentences
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentences to their correct half.
Making sentences
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentences to their correct half.
Past Tense
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the verb in Spanish to its corresponding past form in English
What's the word?
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the corresponding word in English for each word in Spanish
Review (M&A)
TestProvide the correct responses.
Vocabulary A2
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer before you run out of lives.
Review (M&A)
Froggy JumpsFollow the instructions
Basic Verbs
Froggy JumpsMatch the verb in English to its corresponding Spanish meaning.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words to their meaning
Sentence order
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in the correct order.
Gap Fill (Prepositions, gerunds, object pronouns)
Completar frasesFill in the gap with the correct word.
English Sentences for kids
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct verb to fill in the spaces in blank.
Ten Verbs
Sopa de letrasFind all the verbs in least time possible.
Subject Pronouns
MemoryMatch the subject pronoun in english to its spanish meaning.
Verbs in Past
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct past tense of the verb.
Vocabulary for Kids
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct option
Vocabulary (CA)
Froggy JumpsMatch the words to their correct definitions
Midbook Review
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer
Possessive Nouns and Verb to be Review
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer
Present Simple and Continuous
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer
English Vocabulary
Froggy JumpsMatch the word to the correct picture
Animal and Verb to be Review
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct answer
Prepositions and Short Answer Review
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct.
Choose the correct answer before your time is up!
How much do you remember?
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the correct word that fills in the space in blank correctly.
Identifying Correct verb spelling
Froggy JumpsMatch the English word to its correct Spanish meaning
Vocabulary for kids
Froggy JumpsListen to the audio and choose the picture that corresponds.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the verb to the corresponding picture.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the Spanish word to their English meaning.