SZ G5 F (Japanese bbq)
Video QuizAnswer the multiple choice questions as you watch the video.
SZ G5 F (ramen)
Video QuizAnswer the questions as you watch and listen to the video.
SZ G5 F (Sushi)
Video QuizSelect the right answers as you watch and listen to the video.
SZ G6 F 2024 (Famous people)
MemoryMatch the pictures with the right sound.
JM G5 F (Ordering at a fast food restaurant)
Completar frasesFill in the blank with the right words.
JM G4 F U1 (How's the weather)
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words to make correct sentences.
Tea Time
Completar frasestap on the right word to fill in the blank.
SZ G5 F (British iconic dishes)
Relacionar GruposSort out the ingredients into the correct British dish.
SZ G6 S (Continents and cardinal directions)
Mapa InteractivoMatch the name of the continents and cardinals directions to the correct part of the map
SZ G6 S (Continents and cardinal directions)
Mapa InteractivoMatch the name of the continents and cardinals directions to the correct part of the map
Match sounds to pictures
Match English to Spanish greetings
JM G1 (A-Z review 2)
Ordenar Palabrasunscramble the letters to create correct words.
JM G1 (A-Z review)
Ordenar Palabrasunscramble the letters to create correct words.
MemoryEncuentra los pares
SZ G5 S U4 (whose backpack is it)
Sopa de letrasFind the word that your teacher acts out.
JM G5 S U3 (Clothes shopping for a wedding)
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words to create correct phrases.
Match sounds to pictures
match sounds to pictures.
JM G4 S U3 (Where Are You)
Sopa de letrasfind the vocab words
SZ G3 S U3 (Is it a bear?)
Sopa de letrasfind the vocab words.
JM G2 S U5 (YZ)
MemoryMatch pictures to sounds.
JM G2 S U4 (WX)
MemoryMatch pictures to sounds.
JM G2 S U3 (TUV)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
SZ G3 S U2 (What color is it?)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words.
Match sounds to pictures
SZ G6 S U1 (What do you do after school)
Ordenar Palabrasunscramble the words to make correct sentences.
SZ G6 S U1 (What do you do after school)
Ordenar Letrasunscramble the letters to form words
match sounds to pictures.
Match sounds to pictures.
SZ G3 F U4 (Are you happy?)
Sopa de letrasfind the vocabulary words.
JM G2 F (Personal Hygiene)
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words to form correct sentences.
JM G2 F (Personal Hygiene)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
JM G6 U3 (What do you do after school)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words.
JM G2 F (Personal Hygiene)
Sopa de letrasFind the bocabulary words.
Match sounds to pictures
JM G4 U4 (what are these?)
Sopa de letrasfind the vocabulary words
SZ G6 F U3 (What time do you get up)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words
SZ G5 F U3 (A fun day)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words
SZ G3 F U3 (I'm tall)
Sopa de letrasfind the vocabulary words.
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
SZ G4 F U3 (Be Honest)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words
SZ G6 F U1 (how can I get to taipei 101?)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words
JM G5 U2 (Let's make a fruit salad)
Relacionar Columnasunscramble the paragraph by matching the sentences to their correct order number.
SZ G5 F U2 (Let's make a fruit salad)
Sopa de letrasfind the vocabulary words.
Match picture to sound
Match sounds to pictures.
SZ G3 F U1 (What's your name)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words
SZ G6 F U1 (Where are you from?)
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words to form correct sentences and questions.
SZ G5 F U1 (the best drink)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words.
Match sounds to pictures.
SZ G5 F U1 (the best drink)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
CK G6 S U4 (Where were you yesterday?)
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the letters to form correct words.
CK G4 S U4 (Where's my hat)
Ordenar Letrasunscramble the letters
YN G5 S U4 (Don't be a couch potato)
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words.
YN G3 S U4 (Jello's Family)
Ordenar Letrasunscramble the letters
YN G5 S U4 (Don't be a couch potato)
Sopa de letrasFind the words your teacher acts out.
YN G4 S U4 (At the Zoo)
Sopa de letrasfind the words your teacher say aloud.
YN G4 S U4 (At the Zoo)
MemoryMatch pictures to sounds
YN G3 S U4 (Jello's Family)
Memorymatch sounds to pictures.
CK G4 S U5 (How much is the t-shirt)
Sopa de letrasFind the word your teacher says aloud.
CK G4 S U4 (Where's my hat)
Sopa de letrasfind the words your teacher says aloud.
Where's My hat (CK G4 S U4)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
CK G3 S U4 (Is he a teacher)
Sopa de letrasFind the words your teacher says aloud
YN G6 S U4 (hit the road)
Ordenar Letrasunscramble the letters to form correct words
CK G6 S U4 (Where were you yesterday?)
Sopa de letrasfind the words your teacher says aloud.
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
YN G5 S U3 (Face the music)
Sopa de letrasFind the word your teacher says aloud.
CK G6 S U3 (Where were you yesterday)
Sopa de letrasFind the words your teacher says aloud.
CK G5 S U3 (What do you need)
Sopa de letrasFind the word that your teacher says aloud
YN G4 S U3 (Let's have lunch)
Sopa de letrasFind the words your teacher speaks.
YN G4 SU3 (Let's have lunch)
MemoryMatch sounds to Pictures
YN G6 S U2 (the game)
Sopa de letrasfind the words.
YN G3 S U3 (Teamwork)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary word you listen to.
YN G3 S U2 (teamwork)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
CK G6SU2 (What do you want to)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words you listen to.
CK G5 S U2 (What subject do y)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary you listen to.
YN G5 S U2 (We're in the same)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary your teacher speaks.
YN G4 U2 F (a video call for)
Sopa de letrasFind the words spoken by your teacher.
Days of the week
Sopa de letrasFind the days of the week.
Match sounds to pictures.
Match sounds to pictures
YN G3 S U1 (Funny Animals)
Memorymatch sounds to pictures
YN G4 F Review 2 Excercises
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the letters.
Merry Christmas!
MemoryMatch pictures to sounds
YN G5 F U4 (Like 2 peas in a p
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words.
YN G3 F U4 (baby dragon´s gift)
Sopa de letrasfind the vocabulary words.
Match picture to sound.
YN G6 F U4 (You're under my um
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words.
Match sounds to pictures.
Match sounds to pictures
GgHhIiJj (CK G1)
MemoryMatch Picture to Sound
YN G3 U3 (At B&J's Toys)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
Happy Halloween!
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
CK G2 U2 (DEF)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
CK G1 U2 (DEF)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
YN G3 U2 (Poor Kevin)
Memorymatch pictures to sounds
YN G5 U2 (this is my cup...)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
YN G4 U2 (Going back home)
Memorymatch sounds to pictures
Match sounds to pictures.
Match sounds to pictures.
CK G4 U1 (How's the weather)
Memorymatch sounds to pictures.
CK G3 U1 (What's your name)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
CK G2 U1 (ABC)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
CK G1 U1 (ABC)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
Match sounds to pictures
YN G4 U1 (The big wind)
Memorymatch sounds to pictures.
YN G6 U1 (Be an early bird)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
YN G3 (Get Ready)
MemoryMatch the sounds to pictures
YN G4 U3-U4 Review
Completar frasesFill in the blank with the right answer.
CK 6G U3-U4 Review
Completar frasesFill in the blank.
CK G6 U3-U4 Review
Crucigramafill out the crossword puzzle
YN G5 U3-U4 Review
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words.
YN G5 U3-U4 Review
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words to make correct sentences.
YN G5 U3-U4 Review
Completar frasesFill in the blank.
YN G5 U3-U4 Review
CrucigramaSolve the crossword puzzle.
YN G3 U4 (sentence pattern)
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words to make correct sentences and questions.
YN G3 U4 (sentence pattern)
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the letters to make correct words.
MemoryMatch pictures to sounds.
GK 6G U3 & U4 Review
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the letters to make correct words.
Unit 3 & 4 Review
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words to make a correct sentence.
Conversasión para conocerse
MemoryMatch Questions to answers.
CK G2 U4 (XYZ)
MemoryMatch pictures to sounds.
CK G1 U4 (XYZ)
MemoryMatch pictures to sounds.
Is it a bear
Ordenar Letrasunscramble the letters.
Is he a teacher? (CK G3 U4)
Memorymatch sounds to pictures.
Match sounds to pictures.
Where's My Kite (CK G4 U4)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
Match sounds to pictures
Match sounds to Pictures
Who's he? (CK G3 U3)
CrucigramaUse the clues to type the correct answer.
Who's he?
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the letter to get the correct word.
What does he need? (CK G5 U3)
CrucigramaUse the clues to type the right answer.
What Does He Need?
Ordenar Letrasunscramble the letter to get the right word.
Where he was yesterday?
CrucigramaListen to the clues to type the right answer.
Match sounds to Pictures
Where Are You?
CrucigramaUse the clues to type the right answer.
Where Are You?
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the letter to get the correct word.
YN G3 U3 (Is it a bear?)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
Who's he? (CK G3 U3)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
Match sounds to pictures
Match sounds to pictures
Where are you? (CK G4 U3)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
Colors (YN G3 U2)
MemoryMatch picture to sound.
QRS Vocabulary (YN G2 U2)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
QRS Vocabulary (YN G1 U2)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
QRS Vocabulary (CK G2 U2)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
QRS Vocabulary (CK G1 U2)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
Can You Swim (CK G3 U2)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
What Subject Do You Like?
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
What do you want to be?
Memorymatch sounds to pictures.
Match sounds to pictures.
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures.
Match sounds to pictures
Match sounds to pictures.
JM G1 S U1 (NOP)
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
CK N-P Vocabulary
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
N-P Vocabulary
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
Is that a dog
Memorymatch sounds to pictures
What do you do after school
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
What time is it?
MemoryMatch sounds to pictures
Chinese Zodiac
Memorymatch pictures to sounds
JjKkLlMm vocabulary (G1 YN)
MemoryMatch picture to sound
KkLlMm G2 vocabulary
Sopa de letrasFind the Vocabulary words.
JjKkLlMm letters
MemoryMatch sound to letters.
SZ G3 F U4 (Are you Happy?)
MemoryMatch pictures to sounds.
JjKkLlMm vocabulary (YN)
MemoryMatch picture to sound
Sopa de letrasfind the words
Do you have a stomachache?
Sopa de letrasfind the words
How do you feel?
Sopa de letrasfind the words
MemoryMatch picture to sound.
How do you feel?
Memorymatch pictures to sounds
Do you have a stomachache?
MemoryMatch the pictures to the sounds
Food and Drinks
Sopa de letrasFind the words.
Food and Drinks
MemoryMatch sounds to Pictures
KkLlMm 1st vocabulary
MemoryMatch picture to sound
MemoryMatch sound to letters.
Match the sound to the picture.
MemoryMatch pictures to sound.
Sopa de letrasfind the words
What´s this? (school supplies)
Crucigramatype the correct school supply
GgHhIiJj (1st grade)
MemoryMatch Picture to Sound
GHIJ vocabulary (2nd grade) (D)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words.
GHIJ vocabulary (First grade)
Sopa de letrasFind the vocabulary words.
What's this
MemoryMatch Picture to Sound
Match sound to picture
What time do you get up?
MemoryMatch picture to sound
What are These
MemoryMatch picture to sound
GgHhIiJj (2nd grade)
MemoryMatch Picture to Sound
Big and Small GHIJ
MemoryMatch picture to sound
Days of the Week
CrucigramaFind the cays of the week
It's Not My Day
MemoryMatch picture to sound
Crucigramatype the correct answer based on the cues.
MemoryMatch picture to sound
It's All Greek to Me
MemoryMatch Picture to sound
MemoryMatch Picture to Sound
MemoryMatch picture to sound
Big and Small GHI
MemoryMatch picture to sound
MemoryMatch picture to spoken word.