Completar frases
JM G5 F (Ordering at a fast food restaurant)
Fill in the blank with the right words.
Relacionar Grupos
SZ G5 F (British iconic dishes)
Sort out the ingredients into the correct British dish.
Mapa Interactivo
SZ G6 S (Continents and cardinal directions)
Match the name of the continents and cardinals directions to the correct part of the map
Mapa Interactivo
SZ G6 S (Continents and cardinal directions)
Match the name of the continents and cardinals directions to the correct part of the map
Ordenar Palabras
JM G5 S U3 (Clothes shopping for a wedding)
Unscramble the words to create correct phrases.
Ordenar Palabras
SZ G6 S U1 (What do you do after school)
unscramble the words to make correct sentences.
Relacionar Columnas
JM G5 U2 (Let's make a fruit salad)
unscramble the paragraph by matching the sentences to their correct order number.
Ordenar Palabras
SZ G6 F U1 (Where are you from?)
Unscramble the words to form correct sentences and questions.
Ordenar Palabras
YN G3 U4 (sentence pattern)
Unscramble the words to make correct sentences and questions.