Global Voices Challenge
Completar frasesIn this warming-up activity, students will participate in the "Global Voices Challenge," which tests their current listening abilities while introducing SDG-related vocabulary.
Hobby Match-Up
MemoryTest your memory with this fun game featuring various hobbies!
What are your Hobbies?
Video QuizListen to each of the natives in the video talking about their hobbies and answer the correct question
Skills for Life
TestRecognize and respond appropriately to situations that may arise in working life, taking into account SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Ordering Food at a Restaurant
Completar frasesWrite the correct nouns (countable and uncountable nouns) while placing an order for the food you want at the restaurant in person and by phone
Quiz about Prepositions of Time and Place
According to the reading of the text 'Tom and Emma's Household Chores' choose the right answer.
Tom and Emma's Household Chores
Completar frasesAccording to the reading of the text 'Tom and Emma's Household Chores' fill in the blanks
Rapunzel's Daily Routine
Video QuizUsing the famous song from the movie Tangled, we are going to identify Princess Rapunzel's daily routine!
So and Such Exercises
Completar frasesComplete the sentences with such and so.
Making Plans for the Future
Completar frasesA game about how to make plans for the future by filling in the missing words.
Let's practice Past Continuous and Writting
Completar frasesWe are going to identify the correct order of the sentences presented
Let's improve our listening
Video QuizIn this game we will see and listen to a video in which we will be guided to answer the questions given in the game to be developed.
La Sombra
Sopa de letrasEncuentra los personajes y palabras relacionadas al cuento La Sombra de Hans Christian Andersen.
Errores Ortograficos
Completar frasesErrores gramaticales y ortográficos frecuentes. Completa la oración con la opción que tu creas correcta.