Test your knowledge on the verb 'to be' with these engaging questions!
Vocabulary extension activity
Vocabulary practice - Animals
Find words related to animals in this puzzle.
Link the cards to the missing words.
The sentences do not make sense. Choose a word to replace another, so that it makes sense.
Consiste en la extracción de minerales.
Sin energía, todo dejaría de funcionar.
Las actividades pesqueras desempeñan un papel económico de primer orden.
Actividad del sector primario asociada a la agricultura
El bosque, fuente de recursos
La agricultura puede ser comercial o de subsistencia
Resultado de la acción humana sobre el entorno natural.
Introducción a los sectores económicos
Test your knowledge of literature from the 1920s by answering whether the given nouns or sentences are related to this period or not.
3 eso Irregular Verbs Past Simple I and Participle
Irregular verbs revision - past and participle
Irregular Verbs Past Simple II
2 bach Irregular Verbs Past Simple I and Participle
Irregular verbs revision - past and participle
Irregular Verbs Past Simple II
1 bach Irregular Verbs Past Simple I and Participle
Time expressions that go with the present perfect
Order the second sentences
Choose the correct modal verb
Match the words to their definitions.
eso Irregular Verbs Past Simple I
Irregular verbs revision - past and participle
4 eso Irregular Verbs Past Simple II and Participle
revision - Past simple and used to
Irregular verbs revision - past
Vocabulary extra practice
4 eso Irregular Verbs Past Simple IV
4 eso Irregular Verbs Past Simple III
Irregular Verbs Past Simple II
4 eso Irregular Verbs Past Simple I and Participle
4 eso - History vocabulary revision
Complete with the past simple. Regular or irregular.
Uses or functions - examples
Basic future simple sentences
To be: affirmative, negative, question
Vocabulary review - 4 ESO
Order the words to form sentences.
Life events English-Spanish
4th ESO, module 3, Vocabulary review