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Senses Matching Game
Test your knowledge of the five senses with this fun matching pairs game!
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Organs Matching Game
Test your knowledge of human organs and their functions with this fun matching pairs game!
Ordenar Letras
Unscramble the Body Parts
Test your knowledge by rearranging letters to reveal essential anatomical features.
Froggy Jumps
Cultura general para niños de Primaria
Con este juego los niños utilizaran y conocerán nuevas palabras de su lengua materna (Español)
Sopa de letras
Salutations, au revoir et cour
Le joueur cherchera les mots qui s'y rapportent, c'est un niveau de base pour les personnes de 18 ans et plus.
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English Verbs
This game is to help children from 12 to 16 years old to memorize verbs in a fun way.