Describing people 9F
Video QuizDescribing people. Choose the correct answer
Describing people
Video QuizDescribing people. Choose the correct answer
Food vocabulary (E)
Relacionar ColumnasSeafood, fruits and vegetables, meat
Food vocabulary (H)
Relacionar ColumnasSeafood, fruits and vegetables, meat
Food vocabulary (G)
Relacionar ColumnasSeafood, fruits and vegetables, meat
Food vocabulary (F)
Relacionar ColumnasSeafood, fruits and vegetables, meat
Food vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasSeafood, fruits and vegetables, meat
TV programmes
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the vocabulary and the pronunciation
3a What time is it on?
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the clocks 1-5 with phrases a-e.
Music and films -Agronomía
Relacionar GruposPut the words under the correct heading.
Unit 2C Entertainment -Agronomía
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two columns.
First day on the job (IGE-ISC)
Relacionar GruposPut the jobs under the correct category.
First day on the job
Relacionar GruposPut the jobs under the correct category.
Music and films IGE-ISC
Relacionar GruposPut the words under the correct heading.
Unit 2C Entertainment IGE-ISC
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the two columns.
Countries and nationalities
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the countries with the nationalities
English around the world
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the cities with the countries
Greeting and saying good bye (IGE-ISC)
Relacionar ColumnasRelaciona las palabras con su significado Match the words with their meanings
Common words
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and pictures
Greeting and saying goodbye (Agronomía)
Relacionar ColumnasRelaciona las palabras con su significado Match the words with their meanings