Read carefully all the verbs in the questions and complete with the correct conjugation of the verb in that Past Participle form.
Tv shows
Ordenar PalabrasRead carefully all the words and try to order them correctly. Consider the parenthesis information.
Wild Animals
Ordenar LetrasRead the hint and scramble the letters so you get the name of an animal. Good luck.
CrucigramaRead the hints and guess which is the month that is referred to.
Compound nouns
Sopa de letrasRead the Compound Nouns list below. Then, look for all of them in the Word Search Puzzle. Try to find all the words from left to right, from right to left, from up to down, from down to up. Good luck!
Irregular Verbs (Past Tense)
Sopa de letrasRead the words Irregular Verbs list below. Then, look for all those verbs in the Word Search Puzzle. Try to find all the words from left to right, from right to left, from up to down, from down to up....
Farm Animals
Sopa de letrasRead all the words (Farm Animals) from the list below. Then, look for all those words in the Word Search Puzzle. First try to find all the words from left to right, then from up to down, and finally f...