Test your knowledge of the First Conditional with this fun and educational memory game!
Ordenar Letras
Trust in Action: Superheroes and Real-Life Professions
Form words from the given letters
Completar frases
Complete the paragraphs with the correct connector
Instrucciones para la Actividad de Completar el Texto Objetivo: Completar el texto sobre cómo el deporte ayuda a la salud utilizando el conector adecuado de las opciones proporcionadas. Lee el texto:...
Irregular Verbs Memory Game
Test your knowledge of irregular verbs with this fun memory card game. Match the base form with its past simple and past participle forms.
Irregular Verbs Memory Game
Test your knowledge of irregular verbs with this fun memory card game. Match the base form with its past simple and past participle forms.
Listen to the audio and choose the correct option in order to practice present perfect.