Froggy Jumps
Elegi el nombre correcto para cada deporte/actividad y ayuda al sapito a llegar a tierra firme!
Sí o No
Selecciona YES o NO de acuerdo a si los nombres de los deportes coinciden con las imagenes.
Ruleta de Palabras
Write the correct verb in the correct form to complete the Present Simple sentences.
Test your knowledge with this crossword puzzle! What do these words have in common?
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possibility and obligation in past (D)
small text using modal verbs of possibility and obligation
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Complete the sentences.
Use the past simple form of the following verbs to complete the sentences: OPEN - GET UP - WASH - HAVE - GO - WORK - DO.
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Wh-questions and verb to be.
Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verb to be. Use mostly contractions.
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Complete the text about Elena's life.
Read the text about Elena's life and complete the missing words.
Video Quiz
Irregular and regular verbs (D)
In this Modern Family scene Phill is trying to scare his wife Claire on Halloween because she claims she is not easy to scare. We are going to focus on the irregular and regular verbs to practice our ...
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Complete the sentences according to the countries and the nationalities