CrucigramaIdentifiez les fruits
Numbers from 1-40
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sound to the correct number
Les Verbes en "er"
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct form of the verb
une,une,des-les objets
Froggy Jumpsfind the correct article
Les articles indéfinis
Completar frasesFill in the blanks with un, une and des
Fournitures scolaires
Froggy JumpsAssociate word to its meaning
Identifiez les couleurs
Froggy JumpsLes élèves doivent choisir une couleur
Le vocabulaire
Froggy JumpsFind the correct meaning
Localiser les Lieux
Mapa InteractivoAssocier les lieux à la bonne photo
Les émotions
Froggy JumpsLet the frog find the correct meaning of the sentiments
Relacionar Columnasnombres
La Plage
Relacionar ColumnasLa plage
La Plage
Relacionar ColumnasLa Plage - Vocabulaire
Relacionar ColumnasFruits
Match the Q&As
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the question to the correct answer
Pluriel des noms et adjectives
Froggy JumpsThis is an exercise for French Language students. Choose the correct plural form of the noun or adjective and move ahead!
La négation
Ordenar PalabrasPut it in the correct order
Ours blanc
Relacionar ColumnasOurs blanc
French Accents
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the accents to the sound
La Comparaison
Completar frasesComparer les elements
match the verb to past tense
Relacionar Columnasmatch
Match the word to the meaning
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the word to the meaning
French Numbers 1-50
Relacionar ColumnasNombres
Les couleurs
Relacionar ColumnasIdentify the colours
Relacionar ColumnasGreetings
DiálogoBasic conversation
Relacionar ColumnasCulture
Animaux de compagnie
Relacionar ColumnasExercises
Barbie - Professions
Relacionar ColumnasGuess the professions from Barbie images
Les lettres avec peppa
Relacionar ColumnasLes Alphabets
Les Alphabets
Relacionar ColumnasLes lettres de l'alphabet