Security Threats
TestDIT Chapter 10
Creative Commons
TestDIT creative commons license types
Artificial Intelligence
Ordenar PalabrasDigital Information Technology AI
Programming Languages
Ordenar PalabrasThe types of programming languages
Introduction to Programming
Completar frasesDigital Information Technology
Database Access Methods 7.4.1
Ordenar PalabrasLearn several ways to access information in relational databases.
Database Quiz
Ruleta de PalabrasTest your knowledge about databases with this quiz game! Guess a word for each letter of the alphabet based on the definitions provided.
Information Systems
CrucigramaDesigning and Implementing Systems
Version Control
Ordenar PalabrasProgramming
Object-Oriented Programming
Completar frasesProgramming IT
Big Data
Completar frasesNon-relational databases
Non relational databases
Ordenar PalabrasIT Fundamentals
Completar frasesDatabase Normalization
Database Structure
Ordenar PalabrasHow to structure a database
Spreadsheets vs Databases
CrucigramaAdvantages of databases over spreadsheets
Relational Database
Ordenar PalabrasKey vocabulary for relational database
Network Troubleshooting Tools
Ordenar PalabrasDescribes ping & tracert utilities
Application Architecture Model
CrucigramaComputer Networking
Application Delivery Methods
Ordenar PalabrasThe three most common delivery methods used by businessess
Network Servers
CrucigramaIntroduction to Networking
Networking Devices & Interfaces
Ordenar PalabrasIT fundamentals
Networking Topologies
CrucigramaLearn about the various type of networking topologies
Ordenar PalabrasIntroduction to Networking
Collaboration Software
Relacionar ColumnasMatch key collaboration software terms.
Productivity Software
CrucigramaOffice Applications Software Word processors Spreadsheets Presentations
Standard NTFS Permission on Windows
Ordenar PalabrasPermission and Rights
System Software
CrucigramaVocabulary associated with system software.
Windows Settings
Completar frasesPlayers will read the information about Windows Settings and fill in the blanks.
Windows File Management
Ordenar Palabraslearn how to manage files on a Windows System
Introduction to Operating Systems
Ordenar PalabrasThe Role of Operating Systems
Operating Systems
Relacionar ColumnasIntroduction to Operating Systems
Input Devices
Relacionar ColumnasComputer input devices
Internal Computer Components
Relacionar ColumnasDescription of the most common internal components.
Compression Information
Relacionar ColumnasFile compression vocabulary
Media Formatting
Relacionar ColumnasMedia