Barn vocab
Mapa Interactivobarn vocab
puffin birds
Completar frasespuffin birds
the alphabet game
Ruleta de Palabrasthe alphabet game
My Yoga class
Testreading exercise
The frog
Froggy Jumpsthe frog exercise
the barn vocab
Mapa Interactivothe barn vocab
The best Yoga Class
TestClick on the picture next to the question to read the text.
Grammar Test
Froggy Jumpsgrammar test
Grammar Quiz
Froggy JumpsGrammar Quiz
The Fox & the Stork
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of the fable 'The Fox & the Stork' with these 10 questions!
Test your knowledge about the fable 'The Fox & the Stork' with these 10 questions!
The Fox & the Stork
Sí o NoA game based on the fable 'The Fox & the Stork' where players have to answer true or false to a series of statements related to the story.
Completar frasesopera
Mapa Interactivophonetics
Career Hunt
Froggy JumpsMatch the career description to its name.
Ruleta de PalabrasAnimals
Froggy frog
Froggy Jumpslanguage exercise
Barn Vocab
Mapa InteractivoBarn vocab
Atlantic Puffin
Completar frasesAtlantic Puffin
CALL exercise
Froggy JumpsCALL exercise
Click on the text to enlarge it. Read it well, then answer all the questions that follow.
Completar frasesFill in the blanks.
Language Acquisition 2
Ruleta de PalabrasLanguage Acquisition
Process types
Mapa InteractivoProcess types
Barn Vocab
Mapa InteractivoClick on the image that represents the vocab item typed at the top/bottom of the page.
Artficial intelligence
Video QuizArtficial intelligence
Fruit and Vegetables
DictadoType the words as you listen to them.
Language Acquisition
Ruleta de PalabrasLanguage Acquisition
Review first language acquisition
Froggy JumpsLead the frog to the shore by clicking on the leaf with the correct answer.
Matching Exercise - Animals
Relacionar ColumnasMatching Exercise - Animals
The Atlantic Puffin Exercise
Completar frasesThe Atlantic Puffin Exercise
Yoga Class Text
TestYoga Class Text
Polymer BankNotes
Video QuizPolymer BankNotes
Reading Comprehension
Matching Game
Relacionar Gruposmatching game
Matching Exercise
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the animals on the left to its group name.
The Atlantic Puffin
Completar frasesFill in the blanks