Matching jobs
MemoryLet's see f this works
Jobs and occupations
Ruleta de PalabrasLet's try this game
Teens addictions
Video QuizListen for fun
Let's see
PresentaciónI don't know what this is
Earn, win or gain?
Relacionar GruposChoose the correct case
Bathroom Vocabulary
Mapa InteractivoRead the word and click on the corresponding image
TestChoose the correct option to complete the sentences
Part-time jobs
Sopa de letrasFind part-time jobs in this exercise
Vocabulary about jobs
Relacionar ColumnasMatch these words with their meaning
Future jobs
Ordenar PalabrasOrder this sentence.
Part-time jobs
Ordenar LetrasLet's find out what it means
Part-time jobs
DictadoWritw these sentences correctly. Don't forget to use the full stop.
Job interview
DiálogoComplete the dialogue
Part-time jobs
CrucigramaSee if you can guess them all
The use of the Internet
Completar frasesComplete the text with words about the internet
Identify cybercrimes
AdivinanzaFind out other common cyber crimes by matching the crimes with their definition.