Future (will)
Relacionar ColumnasSmall activity to practice instant decisions made with will.
Modal verbs (should)
Relacionar ColumnasSmall activity to practice the use of should.
Modal verbs (Could)
Relacionar ColumnasSmall activity to practice using the modal verb 'could' for making suggestions.
Relacionar ColumnasSmall activity to practice phrases used with 'might' to show uncertainty of actions.
Question words (past)
Relacionar ColumnasSmall activity to practice the addition of question words to interrogative sentences in simple past.
Relacionar ColumnasPequeña actividad de repaso en el que se puede practicar la formación de oraciones con superlativos.
Adjetivos i
MemoryUne las parejas buscando el contrario de los adjetivos.
Froggy JumpsPequeña actividad para practicar vocabulario visto en clase sobre comida.
Adjetivos i
Froggy JumpsPequeña actividad para practicar la retención de adjetivos I
Modal verbs
Relacionar ColumnasSmall activity to practice modals for obligation
Good at / Bad at
Ordenar PalabrasSmall activity to practice the phrases 'good at' & 'bad at'
Froggy JumpsSmall activity to practice vocabulary regarding favorite things.
Enough & too
Relacionar Columnassmall activity for practicing the use of 'enough' & 'too' with adjectives
Relacionar ColumnasSmall activity to practice talking about things that you like.
Likes & dislikes
Completar frasesSmall activity to practice reasons for liking or disliking things.
Simple present (negatives)
Froggy JumpsSmall activity exercise to practice negatives in present simple.
Opinions & plans
Relacionar ColumnasSmall vocabulary activity to practice phrases you can use with gerunds in sentences.
Práctica vocabulario
Relacionar ColumnasPequeña actividad de repaso para recordar vocabulario en japonés visto en clase.
Past Irregulars
Relacionar ColumnasSmall practice exercise to remember the past of certain verbs.
Sequence words
Completar frasesSmall practice exercise about using sequence words in a story.
Gerunds & infinitives
Relacionar ColumnasSmall practice for using gerunds & infinitives for using things.
Food adjectives
Froggy JumpsSmall activity to practice adjectives that are used to describe food and drinks.
Simple past
Froggy JumpsSmall practice exercise to practice the past negative form of the verb 'to be'
Relacionar ColumnasSmall activity to practice the connector 'but' with positive and negative sentences.
Ordenar PalabrasSmall activity to practice adjective placement in sentences.
Present simple (questions)
Ordenar PalabrasSmall exercise to practice the question form in present simple tense.
Possessive apostrophe
Ordenar PalabrasSmall activity to practice the use of the possessive apostrophe.
Possessive adjectives
Completar frasesSmall activity to practice possessive adjectives
This / That
Ordenar PalabrasSmall activity to practice demonstratives 'this/that'
Present continuous
Relacionar ColumnasSmall practice activity for making questions in a present continuous form.
Present simple
Completar frasesSmall practice for present simple conjugation (affirmative sentences)
Present perfect continuous
Ordenar PalabrasSmall exercise to practice making questions in the present perfect continuous form with the use of 'how long'.
Adjective order
Ordenar PalabrasSmall practice exercise regarding adjective order.
Práctica vocabulario
CrucigramaPequeña actividad de traducción en donde se podrá practicar vocabulario en japonés visto en clase.
Froggy JumpsFilas de la H, M y Y del Katakana Elige la sílaba correcta de acuerdo a las respuestas presentadas.
MemoryVocales y fila de la K Une las sílabas y vocales en hiragana con su contraparte en katakana.
CrucigramaEscribe las palabras de la lista en japonés.
Sopa de letrasBusca las palabras de la lista y menciona su significado en español.
Froggy JumpsElige la palabra que corresponde a la imagen mostrada
Froggy JumpsElige la palabra en japonés que corresponda con el adjetivo que se menciona.
Días de la semana
Relacionar GruposRelaciona los días de la semana con sus kanjis
Froggy JumpsElige el kanji que corresponde a la palabra mencionada.