What is your job?
Test your knowledge about different jobs and what they do in this fun quiz game for kids!
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کتاب 4 روحی، پیروزی و بحران
مواقع بحران را با پیرزوزی حاصله در هر مرحله مربوط کنید
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Various meanings of the verb"get"
Match the sentences with the meaning of the verb get
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Possessive pronouns
Test your knowledge of ownership words by unscrambling these sentences!
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What did Lucia do at the weekend?
Put the events in order. There are THREE extra events that you do not need.
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present and past tense
Match the present tense of the verbs to their past tense.
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Synonym Match
Test your knowledge of synonyms with this fun matching pairs game!
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Drama: The White Elephant Episode 6: Kindness
Match the phrases with their meanings
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Describe a Family Member
Fill in the Blanks game about describing a family member in English.
Use of the apostrophe.
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Meeting People
Match each sentence on the left with the correct reply on the right.
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The Word “Get”
Fill in the gaps with the meaning which get has in each particular sentence
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Phrasal verbs
Put the words and expressions in the correct order to make the sentences.