Fill in the Blanks: The American Dream
Completar frasesTest your knowledge about the American Dream by filling in the missing words!
Designer Babies
DictadoGenetic engineering, choosing a baby's features and traits
Cover letter
DictadoThis is a cover letter from a candidate who is applying for the "Best Job in the World" in Australia. Listen to the Audio and type the whole letter. When you're done, you'll have access to the origi...
Barème CO
TestBarème CO
Back to school 1
CrucigramaPreparation for audio test
Mayflower 2
Relacionar ColumnasMayflower1
Compléter pour traduire - N° 2
Completar frasesThème grammatical de révision
Ordenar LetrasWhy??
Ordenar LetrasInvisible
Witness interrogation
Completar frasesWitness
Press article
Ordenar PalabrasPress Article
Newspaper article
Ordenar PalabrasReorder
Bionic Leg
Reverse Brain Drain
Reverse Brain Drain Match Ex
Relacionar GruposMatching exercise on reverse brain drain
The Commonwealth Dictation
Commonwealth crossword
Match the following elements
Relacionar GruposMatching exercise
Stealing jobs?
DictadoIllegal immigration in the USA
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Critères prioritaires choix
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