Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words with the letters.
CrucigramaLook at the picture and write the correct word. Schaue dir das Bild an und schreibe das richtige Wort.
CrucigramaLook at the pictures and complete the crossword. Schaue dir die Bilder an und vervollständige das Worträtsel.
Decadal - Matching game
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words with the pictures.
10 little Indian boys
Completar frasesWrite the missing numbers.
CrucigramaWrite the numbers from 10 to 19.
Colours crossword game
CrucigramaListen and write the numbers. You have got 3 minutes.
Colour Matching game
Relacionar ColumnasClick on the word and the correct picture to find the pair.
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite the colour under Dotty‘s picture. The letter will help you. It is either the first letter of the colour or the colour contains the letter.
School objects
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words with the corresponding pictures. Ordne die Schulsachen den jeweiligen Bilder zu!
School object
AdivinanzaGuess the school object