Froggy Jumpswords
Froggy JumpsVocabulary practice
Kitchen Tools
Froggy JumpsWhat do people use to...?
Past Simple
Froggy JumpsPractice the regular verbs
Ordenar Letrashomework
Froggy JumpsQuiz about clothes
Froggy JumpsPictures and sentences about weather.
Quiz (7_KS2)
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct options to practice the vocabulary.
Furniture and rooms
Froggy JumpsPractice the vocabulary
Froggy JumpsPractice the vocabulary
Sopa de letrasbig, small, young, tall, funny, scary, great, fantastic, good, bad/sleepy, thirsty, tired, hungry, bored, angry, happy, sad
Step 4. Unit 17
AdivinanzaMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
AdivinanzaMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
AdivinanzaMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
AdivinanzaMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
AdivinanzaMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
AdivinanzaMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
AdivinanzaMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
AdivinanzaMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
AdivinanzaMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
AdivinanzaMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Relacionar ColumnasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Relacionar ColumnasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Ordenar LetrasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Ordenar LetrasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Ordenar LetrasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Ordenar LetrasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Ordenar LetrasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Ordenar LetrasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Ordenar LetrasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Ordenar LetrasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Ordenar LetrasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Ordenar LetrasMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
CrucigramaMy clothes
Step 4. Unit 17
Completar frasesMy clothes
A2.2 lesson 19
Relacionar ColumnasEducational game
A2.2 lesson 18
TestEducational game
A2.2 lesson 18
CrucigramaAll about cooking
A2.2 lesson 17
Relacionar ColumnasEducational game
A2.2 lesson 16
Completar frasesCooking equipment and cooking actions
Step 4. Unit 16
AdivinanzaPets: pet shop, parrot, hamster, fish, cat, dog, guinea pig, snake, rabbit, turtle
Step 4. Unit 16
AdivinanzaPets: pet shop, parrot, hamster, fish, cat, dog, guinea pig, snake, rabbit, turtle
Step 4. Unit 16
AdivinanzaPets: pet shop, parrot, hamster, fish, cat, dog, guinea pig, snake, rabbit, turtle
Step 4. Unit 16
AdivinanzaPets: pet shop, parrot, hamster, fish, cat, dog, guinea pig, snake, rabbit, turtle
Step 4. Unit 16
AdivinanzaPets: pet shop, parrot, hamster, fish, cat, dog, guinea pig, snake, rabbit, turtle
Step 4. Unit 16
AdivinanzaPets: pet shop, parrot, hamster, fish, cat, dog, guinea pig, snake, rabbit, turtle
Step 4. Unit 16
AdivinanzaPets: pet shop, parrot, hamster, fish, cat, dog, guinea pig, snake, rabbit, turtle
Step 4. Unit 16
AdivinanzaPets: pet shop, parrot, hamster, fish, cat, dog, guinea pig, snake, rabbit, turtle
Step 4. Unit 16
AdivinanzaPets: pet shop, parrot, hamster, fish, cat, dog, guinea pig, snake, rabbit, turtle
Step 4. Unit 16
AdivinanzaPets: pet shop, parrot, hamster, fish, cat, dog, guinea pig, snake, rabbit, turtle
Pets for children
Ordenar LetrasEducational game
Pets for children
Ordenar LetrasEducational game
Pets for children
Ordenar LetrasEducational game
Pets for children
Ordenar LetrasEducational game
Pets for children
Ordenar LetrasEducational game
Pets for children
Ordenar LetrasEducational game
Pets for children
Ordenar LetrasEducational game
Pets for children
Ordenar LetrasEducational game
Pets for kids
Completar frasesEducational game