A game to test kids and parents' knowledge.
Test your knowledge of town places and past simple with this quiz game!
wider world 2 unit 1 vocabulary
Test your knowledge on using 'there is/there are' with 'some' and 'any' in English sentences.
Answer these questions about motivation
Read the definitions and write the correct word
Test your knowledge on the past continuous tense for A2 learners of English.
Read the definitions and write the correct word
fill in the gaps with the missing words
order the letters to form different foods
Unit 1 - English File intermediate - Vocabulary: Food and Cooking
put the letters in order to form toy words
order the letters to form words related to the world of music
read and choose the correct answer
put the words in order to make questions
choose the correct answer for each question in the past simple
Order the words to form different school trips.
put the words in order to form different ways of communication
order the letters and find the gadget!
answer the questions about the families
complete the dialogue with the words.
complete the conversation with the words
complete the dialogue with the correct word.
wordsearch school objects
read the definitions and say the word
talk about wild animals and their abilities
memory game to practise classroom activities
Wild Animals vocabulary practice