Sopa de letrasIn this activity you will find terms related to action world
acting out
Crucigramain this activity you will find some terms related with acting out and role playing world.
fruits and vegetables
Sopa de letrasThis wordgrid is about the fruits and vegetables we normally eat in our daily menu.
fruits and vegetables
CrucigramaHere you can find some fruits and vegetables we eat in our daily diet.
Present Simple Activities
Sopa de letrasHere you will find some daily activities we usually do everyday ...!!!
At the Restaurant
Crucigramayou should solve the crossword with the vocabulary taught in class
At the Restaurant
Sopa de letrasYou should find the words related with the Restaurant stuff.
At a Recreation Center
CrucigramaWrite the word required in the boxes.
At Recreation Center
DictadoYou should pay attention in order to write the activities at a Recreation Center
At the Recreation Center
Sopa de letrasYou should search the word list as quickly as you can.
Circus Characters
Sopa de letrasThis activity will help to remember the Circus Characters who appear in a show
This activity will requires remember all the information taught in class
Housework activities
Sopa de letrasRecognize and mark the housework activities we do everyday.
after school activities
Sopa de letrasfind the words related to activities we do after school time.