
Sus juegos

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  • Froggy Jumps

    Testez vos connaissances sur l'utilisation de OR et ER en français !

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Reaing comprehension

    Match the pairs.

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas


    Match the correct picture with their name.

  • Froggy Jumps
    Froggy Jumps

    There is -There are

    Involve questions, afirmative and negative there are , there is

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Parts of kitchen and bathroom

    Involve the different vocabulary for the parts and thing of the kitchen and bathroom.

  • Test

    Involve the parts of house vocabulary.

  • Ordenar Letras
    Ordenar Letras

    Unscramble the Months

    Test your knowledge of the months of the year in this fun and challenging word unscramble game!

  • Memory

    A fun memory game to learn ordinal and cardinal numbers.

  • Test

    In this Quiz involve the different vocabulary about days and clothes.

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    English Literature (D)

    Match the correct option.

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    English Literature

    Match the correct option.

  • Ruleta de Palabras
    Ruleta de Palabras


    According the picture or text you can find the preposition is posible that begin with the fist letter or cntain the letter..

  • Crucigrama

    You can read the clue and complete the crossword with the prepositions of movement or direction.

  • Sopa de letras

    You must to search the words about the prepositions of time.

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Lesson 9-Prepositions of place

    You can chose the correct column accrding the picture

  • Adivinanza

    According with this you think about the words that refer the picture.

  • Memory

    In this game is necessary that you check and form pairs for complete the game bweteen pictures and words.

  • Memory

    Identify the pictures and you can play with your memory. Lets go!

  • Crucigrama

    Unit 5- Workshop 2

    You can find the correct word and complete the crossword puzzle with the vocabulary of lesson 2.

  • Video Quiz
    Video Quiz

    Unit 4- Lesson 4

    Pays attention, you need watch the video and win the game.

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras

    Jobs in the community

    You can identify the jobs in the community in the least possible time.

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Leson 1- Unit 4

    You can identify what do you want to be when you grow up?

  • Completar frases
    Completar frases

    Unit 4- Lesson 1

    You can identify what do you want to be when you grow up?

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras


    Encuentra los verbos del articulo El hombre del Futuro. Ten en cuenta el tiempo, puesto que el tiempo apremia.

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras

    Satire English Literature

    You can find the words. Good Luck!

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Satire Literature Information

    You can match the definition with the correct word. Good luck!

  • Completar frases
    Completar frases


    The student must to complete the sentences in present simple for practice the topic that they study in the face to face activities class.

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras

    Learning Verbs

    This activity let you find different verbs in a present form , and you can identify a little more the meaning of this verbs, because you must to find the verb in english this alphabet soup.

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras

    Phrasal verbs

    In this activity you must to find the words that wich form the phrasal verbs.

  • Video Quiz
    Video Quiz

    Pasive voice

    In this activity the student has that identificate the characteristics that the passive voice for realize the activity and difference between times.

  • Crucigrama

    Modal Verbs

    In this activity the student must complete the crossword with the clues for the students resolves this activity.

  • Completar frases
    Completar frases

    Direct and Reported speach

    In this activity you must to identify the sentences and complete with the word correct for you understand the diference between direct and reported speach .

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Description of people

    In this activity the student have two columns, the first has words in english and the second has words in spanish with the mean, and the students find the relation between both.

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras


    In this activity the students search the key words that th group write in the elaboration of work about the main topic THE UNIVERSE

  • Relacionar Grupos
    Relacionar Grupos

    Lengua como sistema

    Podras relacionar conceptos, aclararlos y divertirte con este pasatiempo que abrirá tu mente a nuevos conocimientos.

  • Crucigrama

    Podras reconocer como se desarrolla el lenguaje a través de la lengua y lo que hace que las palabras tengan sentido al hablar, escuchar , leer y escribir.