There was and there where
Mapa InteractivoThere was and there where
Past Simple Tense - Verb to Be
Ordenar PalabrasPast Simple Tense - Verb to Be
Phrasal verbs
Sopa de letrasphrasal verbs
Verb to be
Video QuizVerb to be
Upper 1 Vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasUpper 1 Vocabulary
Phrasal verbs
CrucigramaPhrasal verbs
Fill in the Blanks: Mastering the Present Simple Verb 'To Be'
Completar frasesTest your knowledge of the verb 'to be' with this engaging fill-in-the-blanks game!
Basic 1 Vocabulary
CrucigramaBasic 1 Vocabulary
Past Simple and Progressive
Video QuizPast Simple and Progressive
Past Simpel Tense
Video QuizPast Simpel Tense
Present Simple Tense, Daily Routines, Frequency Adverbs
Past Simple, was, were
Completar frasesPast Simple, was, were
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Ordenar PalabrasComparative and Superlative Adjectives
Wish vs Hope
Completar frasesWish vs Hope
Make vs Do
Completar frasesMake vs Do
Second Conditional Sentences
Ordenar PalabrasSecond Conditional Sentences
Second Conditional Sentences
Completar frasesSecond Conditional Sentences
First Conditional Sentences
Completar frasesFirst Conditional Sentences
First Conditional Uncramble Sentences
Ordenar PalabrasFirst Conditional Uncramble Sentences
Neither, either and both activity
Completar frasesNeither, either and both activity
Either, Neither, Both Activity
Completar frasesEither, Neither, Both Activity
Upper 1 Vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasUpper 1 Vocabulary
Upper 2 Vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasUpper 2 Vocabulary
Upper 4 Vocabulary Part II
Ordenar LetrasUpper 4 Vocabulary Part II
Upper 4 Vocabulary Part 1
Ordenar LetrasUpper 4 Vocabulary Part 1
Upper Three Vocabulary
CrucigramaUpper Three Vocabulary
Polite Questions
Ordenar PalabrasPolite Questions / Indirect Questions
Past Continuous
Video QuizPast Continuous
Present Progressive
Video QuizPresent Progressive Questions
Present Continuous
Video QuizPresent Continuous
Video QuizPresent Simple, past simple, food vocabulary, be like,
Video QuizTravel arrangements, past simple tense, present progressive referring to the future
Video Quiztravel arrangements, going to, present progressive, means of transportation, would like.
Video QuizPast simple, how long did it take, present simple.
Intermediate 1
Video QuizPast simple, did, was, were, weather, some past simple verbs.
Basic Questions
Video QuizPresent Simple, two verb clauses, clothes,
Basic Questions
Video QuizPresent simple, likes and dislikes, clothes vocabulary
Basic 4-5 Questions
Video QuizPresent simple questions, family vocabulary
Basic 5 Questions
Video QuizBasic 5 Questions
Food Vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasFood Vocabulary
Basic 5 and 6 Vocabulary
CrucigramaBasic 5 and 6 Vocabulary
Frequency adverbs
Ordenar PalabrasFrequency adverbs
Basic 4. Vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasBasic 4. Vocabulary
Basic 3. Vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasBasic 3. Vocabulary
Basic 2 Vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasBasic 2 Vocabulary
Family Vocabulary
CrucigramaFamily Vocabulary
Wh questions
TestWh questions
Second list of Infinite Verbs
Ordenar LetrasSecond list of Infinite Verbs
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Relacionar GruposCountable and Uncountable Nouns
Passsive Voice Unscramble Activity
Ordenar PalabrasPasssive Voice Unscramble Activity
First list of Infinitive verbs
Ordenar LetrasFirst list of Infinitive verbs
Unscramble Basic Sentences
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble Basic Sentences
Basic 1 Vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasBasic 1 Vocabulary
Phrasal Verbs
Ruleta de PalabrasPhrasal verbs
Intermediate Four Vocabulary
Ordenar LetrasIntermediate Four Vocabulary
Clothes Vocabulary
Phrasal verbs
CrucigramaPhrasal verbs
Nouns, adjectives and verbs
Relacionar GruposNouns, adjectives and verbs
Irregular Verbs Alphabet Soup
Sopa de letrasIrregular Verbs Alphabet Soup
Regular Verbs
Ordenar LetrasRegular Verbs
Place Prepositions Unscramble
Ordenar LetrasSolve the puzzle by unscrambling words related to location.
Prepositions of Place
Mapa InteractivoPrepositions of Place
Place Prepositions Matching Game
Relacionar ColumnasMatch prepositions of place with their descriptions. Fun way for kids to learn!
Prepositions of Place
Video QuizPrepositions of Place
Past Simple Text
Completar frasesComplete the text by typing the past simple forms of the verbs into parenthesis
Past Simple Reading
Completar frasesPast Simple Reading
Parts of the body
Mapa InteractivoBody Vocabulary
City Places
Mapa InteractivoCity Places
Clothes Crossword
CrucigramaClothes crossword
Phrasal verbs
CrucigramaSome Phrasal Verbs
Illness Vocabulary
Froggy JumpsVocabulary Game
Clothes Vocabulary
Froggy JumpsClothes Vocabulary
Jesús atiende a los niños
Froggy JumpsMateo 19:14
Comparative Adjectives
Relacionar GruposPlace each comparative adjective in the correct group depending of the rules
Los frutos del Espírituvscarne
Sopa de letrasLos frutos del Espíritu vs los de la carne