Froggy Jumps
Semantic loans and calques
Questions related to semantic loans and calques in Spanish from English
Here you will find questions related to the vocabulary of units 2-3.
Completar frases
Modal verbs
Fill the gaps with the correct modal verbs. Use can, could, may, might, should, must, have to.
Relacionar Columnas
OTs Job setting
Match the job setting of an occupational therapist with its description.
Ruleta de Palabras
Body parts et al.
In this activity you will find the vocabulary related to body parts, bones, joints, and muscles.
In the following activity you will find questions related to body parts, body organs, bones, joints and muscles. It has been designed to test your knowledge.
Types of joints
Before doing this quiz watch the following video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHYEhDMV5Bg Then check out your knowledge with this quiz. Enjoy!