
Sus juegos

Cambiar modo de visualización de las actividades
  • Sopa de letras

    Encuentra las cualidades y virtudes de un buen maestro que se te señalan a la derecha.

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Word match about colors

    According to the vocabulary of colors seen during classes, relate the names of the colors with the corresponding images.

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras

    Word search about colors

    Exercise your mind, finding the name of the colors that are hidden, luck and have fun.

  • Memory

    Remember the vocabulary of colors, to do this read carefully the description of the cards and find the corresponding image.

  • Memory

    According to the vocabulary of objects in class, relate each of them to the corresponding image, luck and fun

  • Relacionar Grupos
    Relacionar Grupos

    Preschool objects

    Pay close attention to school objects that are presented to you so you can group them correctly

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Word match school

    Read carefully and relate the following words with the images of the corresponding objects, luck and have fun playing with this activity

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras

    Word search school

    Find the words that are hidden in the word search, remembering that they can be in any direction (vertical, horizontal or diagonal)

  • Memory

    According to the vocabulary worked on during class, find the pair of cards, listening carefully to the audios to be able to relate it to the animal in a correct way.

  • Memory

    Amuse with the memory game and finding the correct description with the image of pets animals, you can check the vocabulary that was seen during the classes, luck.

  • Memory

    According to the vocabulary of farm animals seen during classes, find the pairs by carefully reading the description to identify them

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Word match about pets animals

    During class the vocabulary of domestic animals was seen, now it is time to relate the pronunciation with the correct name of the animals, let's go if you can achieve it.

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Word match about farm animals.

    Let's remember the vocabulary of farm animals seen in class, matching the word with the picture and send your result to the teacher.

  • Relacionar Columnas
    Relacionar Columnas

    Word match about zoo animals

    According to the vocabulary of the zoo animals seen in the last class, match the names of the animals with their characteristics.

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras

    Word Search Drinks

    Let's exercise our mind, finding the name of the drinks that are hidden and send your results to your teachers.

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras

    Word Search Fruit

    Let's find the names of the fruits and to do this, look for the words hidden in it, select them by sliding the mouse over the letters that compose them and send your files to your teachers.

  • Sopa de letras
    Sopa de letras

    Word Search Vegetables

    Let's learn by playing, find the name of the ten vegetables that are hidden in the alphabet soup and send your results to your teachers.