Sopa de letras
Sopa de letras
Encuentra en la sopa de letras los nombres de las figuras geométricas vistas en clase. ¡A DIVERTIRNOS JUGANDO Y APRENDIENDO!
Memorama figuras geométricas
De acuerdo a las actividades trabajadas en clase , encuentra las parejas correspondientes en el memorama. ¡Llegó el momento de jugar, ÉXITO!
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Word match geometric figures
According to the vocabulary seen in class about GEOMETRIC FIGURES, match the name with the image of the corresponding figure.
Sopa de letras
Word Search of Numbers
According to the vocabulary seen in class about NUMBERS, find in the word search the names.
Memory Game of Colors
According to the COLORS vocabulary seen in class, you are presented with cards that contain the name of the color and in another the corresponding image. Find the pairs.
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Word match about Education
According to the vocabulary on education, previously seen in classes, it relates the word to the corresponding image. You can consult your vocabulary.
Sopa de letras
Word Search of education
In the list you will find 10 words related to the vocabulary of Education, seen in previous classes. Find them in the Word Search. Remember to do it in the shortest time possible nd win your medal.
According to the vocabulary of pet animals seen in class, it correctly relates mosaics. You will be presented with the description of the animal and an audio that includes its name. You can check your...
According to the vocabulary of zoo animals seen in class, it correctly relates mosaics. You will be presented with the imagen of the animal and the name. You can check your copies.
According to the vocabulary of farm animals seen in class, it correctly relates mosaics. You will be presented with the description of the animal and the name. You can check your copies.
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Word match about pets animals
According to the last topic studied in class about pets animals match the following words with a suitable audio. You can use the iinformation from your copies.
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Word match about zoo animals
According to the last topic studied in class about zoo animals match the following words with a suitable imagen. You can use the iinformation from your copies.
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Word match about farm animals
According to the last topic studied in class about farm animals match the following words with a suitable topic. You can use the iinformation from your copies.
Sopa de letras
Word Search, drinks
Find ten names of drinks which are hidden in the Word Search and send your results to your teacher. Learn by playing.
Sopa de letras
Word Search, Vegetables
Find ten names of vegetables which are hidden in the Word Search and send your results to your teacher. Learn by playing.
Sopa de letras
Word Search, fruit
Find ten names of fruits which are hidden in the Word Search and send your results to your teacher. Learn by playing.