Crossword of Emotions
CrucigramaRead carefully each of the points and find the correct word by filling in each of the boxes letter by letter.
Memory Game of emotions
MemoryLook at the following game of memory, flip a tile and identifity the word or text that appears on it, then flip another tile trying to find the pair for each of them
My emotions
Relacionar ColumnasTake a good look at the images of the different emotions and relate them to their correct name.
Memory Game of Education
MemoryLook at the following game of memory, flip a tile and identifity the word or text that appears on it, then flip another tile trying to find the pair for each of them.
Group words_Education
Relacionar GruposObserve the field that you must group and pay close attention to the words that are presented to you, try not to make a mistake, but you have two attempts to carry out the activity.
Word Search_Education
Relacionar ColumnasLook carefully at each of the images that are presented to you and match it with the word that corresponds to it. This time they will be working with words related to education.
Word Search_Education
Sopa de letrasSearch for hidden words referring to the field of education.
Look at each of the files, some will have images and others text,, so you have to find their pair with text.
Memory Game of animals_audio
MemoryTurn over each of the cards and listen carefully to the audios that are presented to you and try to find the corresponding pair.
Memory Game of animals
MemoryLook at the following game of memory, flip a tile and identifity the word or text that appears on it, then flip another tile trying to find the pair for each of them.
Word Match_ Fruit
Relacionar ColumnasRead carefully each of the paragraphs that are presented to you and identify which is the fruit that corresponds to it.
Word Match_ Vegetables
Relacionar ColumnasLook carefully at each of the images that are presented to you and match it with the word that corresponds to it. This time they will be working with vegetables.
Word Match_Drinks
Relacionar ColumnasListen carefully to the audios that are presented to you and identify the drinks views in class. one you have identified drink related to the word that appropriate
Word Search_Vegetables
Sopa de letrasFind and mark the words that are asked of the different vegetables that we have seen in previous classes, they can be horizontally or vertically.
Word Search_Drinks
Sopa de letrasFind and mark the words that are asked of the different Drinks that we have seen in previous classes, they can be horizontally or vertically.
Word Search_Fruit
Sopa de letrasFind and mark the worrds that are asked of the different fruit that we have seen in previous classes, they can be horizontally or vertically.