Label the plant conversation
Mapa InteractivoLabel the plant conversation between the mummy plant and her daughter. If you do not know take a look at the Science web Plants.
What´s electricity?
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the columns about electricity
Light phenoma
Relacionar GruposClassify the light phenoma: transparent, opaque or translucent.
Song I love the weekend
Completar frasesComplete I love weekend song with the vocabulary from topic 4.
I love the weekend crossword
Sopa de letrasComplete the following crossword with the vocabulary of the unit 4.
Weekends in the UK
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the most suitable word.
Do you ...........?
TestAnswer the test according to the pictures.
I love the weekend picture
Mapa InteractivoLabel the picture with following the unit 4: I love the weekend.
Label the picture
Relacionar ColumnasLabel the picture with the rigth activities and learn them.
Plant nutrition
Mapa InteractivoLabel the nutrition parts of a plant
Plant reproduction
Mapa InteractivoMatch the plant reproduction pictures with their descriptions.
What happens to energy when it is used?
Plant reproductive organs
Relacionar ColumnasLearn the different reproductive organs of plants.
Parts of a plant, reproduction
Mapa InteractivoLabel the parts of a plant
Places in a town
CrucigramaComplete the crossword with the words related to different places in a city.
Changes in ecosystems
Relacionar GruposRelate the words with the right group about changes in ecosystems
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the right word about the biosphere.
Sopa de letrasComplete the crossword related to the biosphere topic.
Respiratory system
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentences related to the respiratory system.
Circulatory system
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentences related to the circulatory system.
Nervous system
Mapa InteractivoLabel the picture related to the nervous system.
Bones or muscles
Relacionar GruposOrder the following sentences according to bones or muscles.
Arthropods matching
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentences about arthropods.
Test your molluscs knowledge
TestTest your knowledge about worms.
Classification living things
Completar frasesComplete the text with the words given related to the classification of living things.
Plants crossword
CrucigramaComplete the crossword using the plant information.
Human life processes
Relacionar GruposDecide if they belong to nutrition, interaction or reproduction
Life processes test
TestDecide if statemets belong to nutrition, interaction or reproduction.
Animals life processes
Relacionar GruposMatch the animals with the right life processes.
Systems living things have
Relacionar GruposFind the systems and classify them.
Vertebrates or invertebrates
Relacionar GruposClassify the animals into vertebrate or invertebrates
Plant labeling
Mapa InteractivoLabel the nutrion of the plant.
Human or animal
TestDecide if the following sentences belong to human or animals.
Words related to food
Relacionar GruposFind the words related to food.
Life processes test
TestAnswer the questions about life processes.
Life processes gaps
Completar frasesComplete the gaps with the right words.
Living and non living things
Relacionar GruposMake goups of living and non living things.
Animal cell
CrucigramaComplete the crossword with the correct words.
Life processes
TestDecide if the following statements belong to interaction, nutrition or reproduction.
Complete the test.
Body functions
Relacionar ColumnasMake sentences matching columns to describe the function of three parts of the body.
Plant cell labelling
Mapa InteractivoLabel the main parts of a plant cell.
Animal cell
Mapa InteractivoLabel the animal cell with its main parts.
Life processes members
Relacionar GruposFind members of each group related to the 3 basic life processes.
What do living things do?
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the right information about living things
Relacionar ColumnasRelate the columns to make sentences.
Test your knowledge about landscapes changes.
Coastal landscape labelling
Mapa InteractivoLabel the following coastal landscape.
Coastal landscape matching
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the coastal landscapes sentences.
Mountain landscapes
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the right information about mountain landscapes.
Label the mountain
Mapa InteractivoLabel this mountain with its main parts.
Landscapes test
TestLandscapes challenge!!! Test your knowledge about landscapes.
Landscapes crossword
Sopa de letrasTypes of landscapes crossword.
The food pyramid
Mapa InteractivoComplete the food pyramid according to the food information in it.
The food wheel
Mapa InteractivoLabel the food wheel
Digestive system
Mapa InteractivoLabel the picture about the digestive system
Excretory system
Mapa InteractivoLabel the picture about the excretory system
Respiratory system
Mapa InteractivoLabel the picture about the respiratory
Digestive system
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the left column with the right related to the digestive system.
Nutrients challenge
TestNutrients challenge
Food groups
Relacionar GruposLook at the food words and classify according to the five food groups.
Healthy or junk food
Relacionar GruposFind the healthy and junk food words and classify them.
Nutrition crossword
CrucigramaRead the information and complete the crossword.
Try to test your Earth layers knowledge.
Uses of water test
TestRead carefuly the sentences and answer them.
The air and its properties
Completar frasesComplete the blanks with the right words
Weather members
Relacionar GruposFind members of each group related to weather
Where we can find water
CrucigramaThis is a crossword that will help you to learn and practice all the aspects related to where we can find water.
Water properties
Relacionar ColumnasMatch to make true sentences.
Word wheel game
Ruleta de PalabrasGuess the words hidden in the word wheel. Sometimes the letter is the biggining of the word hidden(A for example: apple) and others they are contained in the word (R for example contained in red).
Hearing sense, matching
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the columns to make sentences.
Smell sense
Completar frasesComplete the blanks with correct words.
Unescramble words
Ordenar LetrasUnescramble words related to re smell sense.
TestTest your knowledge about hearing sense.
Relacionar ColumnasTry to mach the columns to complete the right informaton.
Towns and cities
Ordenar PalabrasPut the word in the correct order. Use the blog to do it!!
Villages, towns and cities
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in order.
Crossword: life in cities
CrucigramaFill in the following crossword related to life in cities.
Population matching
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the left column with the right one.
Match the tertiary sector
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the tertiary sector statements to make them true!!!
Relate the secondary sector words
Relacionar GruposRelate the secondary sector words
Word search
Sopa de letrasWord seach about mining!!!
Jumbled words
Ordenar PalabrasPut in order the fishing and mining words!!
The Work
AdivinanzaGuess the following riddles!!!
Farming and forestry
Completar frasesComplete the text according to the right information!!!!
Fish gaps!!
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the right words!!!
Bird gaps!!
Completar frasesFill in the gaps with the riht words!!!
Reptiles and amphibians
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the left column with the right one!!!
Completar frasesComplete the gaps with the most suitable word!!!
Video QuizHere in this video you will learn the main characteristics of vertebrates.
Water properties wordsearch
Sopa de letrasLook for word related to water properties.
Water Cycle
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the water cycle statements to make them true!!!
Las vocales
Video QuizCanción marchosa para aprender las vocales en Educación Infantil.