Last seen review
CrucigramaComplete the crossword with words that have been seen in previous classes
So and such
Completar frasesComplete the following sentences using so and such as appropriate
Relacionar GruposMatch each group of things to its respective group as appropriate
Recycling Reduce Reuse
Sopa de letrasFind the words that are related to recycling
History our planet
Relacionar ColumnasJoin with lines the names of the continents and the sea with their respective shape or location
History of our planet
Completar frasesComplete the following sentences using the suggested words.
Already and yet
Completar frasesComplete the following sentences using the words already and yet
Review of what was seen
CrucigramaSolve the following crossword with words that have been taught throughout the school period
The Universe
Sopa de letrasFind the words related to space and the universe
Review about past tense
Relacionar ColumnasConnect with lines the verbs with the same in the past