Business idioms
Relacionar Columnasmatch the idiom with the meaning. complete the senteces with the correct idiom
Syntactic awareness unscramble sentences
Ordenar PalabrasDecode scrambled sentences
Tour around the office. phrasal verbs
Froggy JumpsComplete the phrases with the correct preposition for showing someone a place.
Phonation concepts
Crucigramathis vocabulary is related to the process of speech formation and phonetics
Vocabulario fonetica y fonología
CrucigramaLee las definiciones y escribe la palabra que corresponda. Algunas estan en español y otras en inglés
Suffixes en français
Relacionar ColumnasAssociez les suffixes aux descriptions correspondantes dans ce jeu de paires.
Phrasal Verbs with the Verb Look
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge of phrasal verbs with the verb look in this quiz game!
Fill in the Blanks: Phrasal Verbs
Completar frasesTest your knowledge of phrasal verbs with this fun Fill in the Blanks game!
Sick Vocab Unscramble
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble words related to feeling unwell and learn new vocabulary!
Presentation phrases
Ordenar PalabrasPhrases to use during a presentation
vocabulary projects
Completar frasesphrasal verbs
verbs in past synonyms
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble
Sinónimos, antónimos, parónimo (D)
Relacionar ColumnasLa actividad consiste en relacionar las columnas, encontrando el par, que defina a cada uno de los conceptos.
phrasal verbs- up
Completar frasescomplete with the correct phrasal verb
vocabulary foley
Crucigramawrite the words with the correct definition
Lexical categories
TestDefinitions and examples of lexical categories
afijos y morfemas
Mapa Interactivoseñala los prefijos, sufijos y lexemas que forman la palabra
adverbs of degree
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble the words to form the correct sentence
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the adjective with the noun based on the Quiz
B2 9b prepositions
Completar frasescomplete with the correct preposition
Forming nouns
Relacionar Gruposform nouns from the adjectives, using the correct ending
crime vocabulary
Relacionar Columnasmatch words
Adjectives job appraisal
CrucigramaAdjectives to describe workers
economic bubbles complete
Completar frasescomplete the sentences with the correct term
economic bubbles
Relacionar Columnasvocabulary video economic bubbles collocations
Phrasal verbs B2 mod 4
Relacionar ColumnasB2 module 4 pioneer
Completar frasesMatch the verbs with the correct gesture
Negociation skills
Relacionar ColumnasQuestions about what is necessary to be a good negociator
vocabulary b2
Completar fraseskkkkjhj
similar verbs
Completar frasespioneer b2 lesson 1a
verbs of movements
Relacionar Columnasmatch the halves of the sentences
Vocabulary growing up B1+
CrucigramaVocabulary related to life and family
Verbs in past simple
Relacionar GruposClasify the verbs in present and past
Occupations present simple
Completar frasesComplete the sentence with the word that describes the job
Irregular verbs
Relacionar Columnasverbs in past simple
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the numbers with their written form
be in past
Relacionar GruposMatch the questions with the correct answer
Relacionar ColumnasWhere can you find this things?
Phrasal verb
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the phrasal verb with its definition
Present progressive
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the picture with its description
Three square meals
Sopa de letrasfind the words related to food and meals of the day. Based on lesson 5 Full Blast1
Meals of the day
Sopa de letrasFind the words related to meals of the day
What do you have
Completar frasesComplete with the missing word