MemoryIrregular verbs-Present simple match
FCE Reading Part 5
TestAre social media sites changing our brains?
MemoryOrdering at the restaurant using 'will'.
Adjectives and pronouns
Completar frasesPersonal & object pronouns and possessive adjectives & pronouns.
Expressing preferences
Froggy JumpsCatering industry
B2-Prepositions, collocations & phrasal verbs.
Froggy JumpsRevision of prepositions, collocations & phrasal verbs for the FCE exam.
Catering vocabulary 2
Ruleta de PalabrasTo revise catering vocabulary 2
Catering vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasRevising catering vocabulary
B1 exam-Vocabulary
Ruleta de PalabrasVocabulary to prepare for the exam.
Word formation-B2 (2)
Ruleta de PalabrasTo practise FCE-Use of English part 3
B1 Vocabulary
Relacionar ColumnasRevision of B1 vocabulary-Trainer for schools
Ruleta de PalabrasExam FCE-Use of English Part 3
Present continuous
Relacionar ColumnasUsing present continuous in simple sentences
Present simple and continuous
Completar frasesPractising with present simple and continuous
Present continuous
Relacionar ColumnasPractising present continuous
Present simple
Relacionar ColumnasPractising present simple
Phrasal verbs-B2(p.23)
Relacionar ColumnasPhrasal verbs and their definitions.
FCE Part 3-Use of English
Ruleta de PalabrasPart 3-Use of English revisión-FCE
Ruleta de PalabrasPET Preparation
Atención al cliente
Ruleta de PalabrasFP Básica-Administración
Selección del proveedor
Relacionar ColumnasEl proceso de compras
Ruleta de PalabrasB2-Phrasal verbs