Mapa Interactivo
3. Changes and properties CCM (ENGLISH) OK
In this activity, you will identify changes and properties of matter.
Perform the corresponding calculations for the following concentration problems and choose the correct result.
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15. Organic Naming-Endings ENG
Please match the ending of the name according to the functional groups.
Mapa Interactivo
Isomers - physical properties (Mony) (JM23)
Relationship between structures and boiling point.
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Ac3_Quantum Mechanics PrepaTec CCM_ENGLISH (D)
Basic concepts of quantum mechanics, quantum numbers, exercises of complete electron configuration and with Kernel in neutral elements and in ions
Video Quiz
Carbohydrates CCM_Eng (mony)
Watch the video attentively. During the video you will need to answer a series of questions.
Video Quiz
Lipis CCM_Eng (mony)
Watch the video attentively. During the video you will need to answer a series of questions.
Video Quiz
Proteins CCM_Eng (mony)
Watch the video attentively. During the video you will need to answer a series of questions.
Video Quiz
Propiedades químicas-Serie guiada II (mony)
Sigue el tutorial, resuelve las pregunta relacionadas de práctica, copia la serie y contesta lo que se te pide.
Video Quiz
Propiedades químicas-Serie guiada I (mony)
Revisa el video, copia la serie en tu cuaderno, contéstala tras los ejemplos y contesta las preguntas relacionadas que se te piden.
Relacionar Columnas
Hydrocarbon reactions 2 CCM
Select a reactant in the left column (molecules with reaction arrow), then select in the right column the product that results from the chosen reaction - Hydration of alkenes - Dehydration of alkene...
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Hydrocarbon reactions 1 CCM
Select a reactant in the left column (molecules with reaction arrow), then select in the right column the product that results from the chosen reaction - Halogenation of alkanes - Hydrogenation of a...
In this activity you must select the correct name for the following molecules.
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Organic naming-Endings (Mony)
Please match the ending of the name according to the functional groups.
Mapa Interactivo
Isomers - physical properties (Mony)
Relationship between structures and boiling point.
Mapa Interactivo
Identification of alkyl groups 3 CCM (mony)
Identify alkyl groups in semi-developed and line angle formulas.
Mapa Interactivo
Identification of alkyl groups 2 CCM (mony)
Identify alkyl groups in a semi-developed formula
Mapa Interactivo
CCM Alkanes-BEST CHAIN (mony)
IIdentify the longest and most branched chain of carbon atoms
Mapa Interactivo
CCM Identification of Functional Groups (mony)
Identify the functional groups present in the molecules.
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Functional Groups CCM (mony)
Identification of Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry
Completar frases
Combustions where the chemical equation is balanced and the types of combustion is identified.
Mapa Interactivo
CCM Hybridization and types of carbon (mony)
Let's practice the types of hybridization that carbons in this molecules have, as well as the types of C.
Identify the characteristics of the steps of the scientific method
Video Quiz
Método Científico - CyT SXXI - PrepaTecCCM
Identificar las características de los pasos del método científico
Mapa Interactivo
CCM Identification of Functional Groups
Identify the functional groups present in the molecules.
Mapa Interactivo
IIdentify the longest and most branched chain of carbon atoms
Mapa Interactivo
20. Acids-Bases-Neutrals PrepaTec CCM (ENGLISH)
Identify the type of substance according to its pH value by writing the word ACID, BASE, NEUTRAL
In this activity, we will remember the different theories about acids and bases as well as their characteristics, pay attention to the video and answer the questions.
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14. Inorganic Nomenclature PrepaTec CCM (ENGLISH)
Name and write chemical formulas of binary and ternary inorganic compounds
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13. Ternary Nomenclature PrepaTec CCM (ENGLISH)
Name ternary compounds and write their formulas according to IUPAC guidelines
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12. Binary Nomenclature-PrepaTecCCM (ENGLISH)
Name and write chemical formulas of binary compounds
Relacionar Grupos
11. Inorganic Compounds Type PrepaTecCCM (ENGLISH)
Identify types of inorganic compounds in binary and ternary salts, metallic and non-metallic oxides, hydracids and oxyacids, hydrides and hydroxides
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6. Quantum Mechanics PrepaTec CCM_ENGLISH
Basic concepts of quantum mechanics, quantum numbers, exercises of complete electron configuration and with Kernel in neutral elements and in ions
Mapa Interactivo
5. Calculation of subparticles PrepaTecCCM (ENGLISH)
Calculate the atomic subparticles: p +, n ° and e- , in neutral atoms and in ions and complete the table.
Relacionar Grupos
Subparticles and Atomic Models - PrepaTecCCM (ENGLISH)
Find the main characteristics of the atomic subparticles, as well as the atomic models, by clicking on the corresponding card according to the indicated group
Mapa Interactivo
20. Ácido-bases-neutro PrepaTec CCM
Identifica el tipo de sustancia según su valor de pH escribiendo la palabra ACIDO, BASE, NEUTRO
Mapa Interactivo
5. Cálculo de partículas PrepaTec CCM
Calcular las subpartículas atómicas p+, n° y e- en átomos neutros y en iones
Video Quiz
Teoría de ácidos y bases PrepaTec CCM
En esta actividad, recordaremos las diferentes teorías sobre ácidos y bases así como sus características
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14. Nomenclatura Inorgánicos PrepaTec CCM
Nombrar y escribir fórmulas químicas de compuestos binarios y ternarios
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13. Nomenclatura de Ternarios PrepaTec CCM
Nombrar compuestos ternarios y escribir sus fórmulas de acuerdo a los lineamientos de la IUPAC
Relacionar Grupos
11. Tipo de compuestos inorganicos PrepaTecCCM
Identificar tipos de compuestos inorgánicos en sales binarias y ternarias, óxidos metálicos y no metálicos, hidrácidos y oxiácidos, hidruros e hidróxidos
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12. Nomenclatura de binarios PrepaTecCCM
Nombrar y escribir fórmulas químicas de compuestos binarios
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6. Mecánica Cuántica PrepaTec CCM
Conceptos básicos de mecánica cuántica, números cuánticos, ejercicios de configuración electrónica completa y con Kernel en elementos neutros y en iones
Relacionar Grupos
Subpartículas y modelos atómicos - PrepaTecCCM
Encontrar las características principales de las subpartículas atómicas, así como de los modelos atómicos.