Relacionar Columnas
New words and clue words!
Choose the correct clue word for each spelling word! YOU CAN DO IT!
Completar frases
Lesson 2! New words in context
Complete the sentences using the correct spelling word.
Relacionar Columnas
Secret sentences! Present Perfect!
Discover the Present Perfect sentences. YOU CAN DO IT!
Spelling words! Lesson 1!
Read the clue words, look at the pictures and write the correct spelling word!
Choose the correct past participle form of the verb. YOU CAN DO IT!
Complete each Simple Present sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb.
Relacionar Columnas
Simple past statements!
Read the sentences and turn them into past tense statements.
Completar frases
Fill in the blanks exercise!
Choose the correct word and complete each sentence. YOU CAN DO IT!
Sopa de letras
Secret words of the week!
Find the words that you learned during this week. YOU CAN DO IT!
Sopa de letras
Palabras mágicas
Observa detenidamente y encuentra todas las palabras mágicas. ¡Tú puedes!