Look at the picture, read the words and choose the correct container
Read the descriptions and find out the words
Put the sports in the correct group
Match the compound nouns related to sports
Identify the food in the picture.
Find out 7 common verbs you use to describe your daily routine.
Encuentra en en el pupiletras 7 palabras relacionadas a LA SOLIDARIDAD
Watch the video and answer the questions.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
find the words in the puzzle
Complete with one word related to jobs
He or she teaches to young learners
I take care of people and I work in a hospital. My job stars with letter d.
Studens identify the spelling of the days of the week
Look at the picture and describe What are people doing?
Read the definitions complete with one word and make proper sentences with each word.
Find words related to the topic. Use each word to make a sentence.
Read the definitions and complete with a word.
Read the definitions and complete with the correct word.
Read the definitions and complete with the correct word or phrase.
Watch the video, write down information and answer the questions.
Find words related to the topic
Read the definitions and complete with one word or phrase
Read the definitions and complete the crossword
Read the definitions and complete the crossword
Complete the words or phrases that are similar in meaning to the part in brackets .
Read the definitions and complete the crossword
Complete the exercises with a Word or phrase
Match the definitions with the correct word
Read the definitions and complete the crossword about FOOD PREPARATION
Find Words in the puzzle related to FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT
Read the definitions and put in order the letters to find out a Word or phrase
Watch the video and answer the following questions.
Look at the clues and complete with a word.
Look at the clues and write the word
Look at the clues and write a word.
Read the definition and complete the crossword.
Read the sentences and complete with one word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
Find 6 words in the crossword.
watch the video and repeat and practice the vocabulary
Read the audio and write as many words as you can
Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?
read the definitions and complete the crossword with the right words.
Read the definitions and complete the crossword with one word.
Read the sentence and complete with the correct form of the verb TO BE
Look at the picture and describe the different family members.
Describe the food that you see on the picture