Crossword eleventh grade
You have to complete the game, according to the teacher shows you
Relacionar Columnas
Match mosaics tenth
You have to complete the game according to the teacher shows you
Completar frases
Complete Ninth grade
You have to complete the game according to the teacher explain you
Relacionar Columnas
Relate Columns eight
You have to complete the game according to the teacher explain you
Sopa de letras
Alphabet soup seventh grade
You have to complete the game, according to the teacher explain you
Completar frases
Complete seventh grade
Complete the sentences according to the game shows you and the explanation of the teacher
Sopa de letras
Alphabet soup eleventh grade
You have to find the words in the alphabet soup according to viewed in class
Sopa de letras
Alphabet soup eighth grade
Follow the instructions of the teacher and complete this alphabet soup
Relacionar Columnas
Match mosaics seventh grade
You have to realize the activiy according to viewed in class and the teacher say you
Relacionar Grupos
Impuestos en la Colonia
Dentro del juego el estudiante deberá relacionar las afirmaciones con el impuesto que sería aplicable dentro de la época colonial impuestos por la Corona Española
Mapa Interactivo
Sudoku correspondiente al grado octavo y noveno para el desarrollo de las olimpiadas matemáticas.
Mapa Interactivo
Sudoku correspondiente al grado sexto y septimo para las olimpiadas matemáticas.
Mapa Interactivo
Actividad sudoku, para ser realizada por los estudiantes de decimo y once.
Relacionar Grupos
Primer juego 8°, 9°
Relaciona cada uno de los resultados con su respectiva expresión.
Sopa de letras
Segundo juego 8°, 9°
Encontrar los 10 conceptos matemáticos ocultos dentro de la sopa de letras.
Deben responder unas preguntas sobre el electromagnetismo, su definición y características
Relacionar Columnas
Circuitos Eléctricos
Caracteriza los circuitos eléctricos y su aplicación en la cotidianidad.
Relacionar Columnas
Prepositions of place
Relacione las prepositions of place con la imagen correspondiente
Ordenar Palabras
Preposition of manners
Identificar las preposition of manners a través de una actividad en donde se ponga en practica lo visto en clase.
Relacionar Columnas
There is and there are
En la siguiente actividad se busca reforzar el conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre el tema visto en clase, there is and there are.
Relacionar Columnas
Relate columns eleventh
In this game, you will relate the columns according to the viewed in class
Crossword Tenth grade
In this game, you will do a crossword, to test your knowledge about the simple past
Sopa de letras
Alphabet soup ninth grade
In this game, you will do an alphabet soup, to test your knowledge about the Wh-questions
Completar frases
Complete eighth grade
In this game, you have to complete the sentences with the word that lack
Relacionar Columnas
Demonstrative pronouns
In this game, you will relate the columns to test your knowledge about the demonstrative pronouns
Taller cónicas
El siguiente taller consta de 5 preguntas acerca de los conceptos de cónicas y relaciones.
Complete el crucigrama según las indicaciones que se presentaran en los textos ayudados de la información que se adquirió en el proceso de consulta
Debes responder unas preguntas sobre la afectación de los juguetes al ambiente.
La tecnología ha estado siempre en la vida del ser humano, responde a estas preguntas teniendo en cuenta la importancia, el uso de la tecnología y las máquinas simples y compuestas.
En este quiz se evaluarán los operadores eléctricos básicos, sus tipos y principales elementos.
Ruleta de Palabras
Escribe una palabra por cada letra. El verbo debe tener la terminación AR, ER o IR.
Ruleta de Palabras
Word roulette Eleventh
Student of the I.E.F, you have to solve the game, according to it shows you
Relacionar Columnas
Match mosaics fifth grade
Student of the I.E.F, you have to complete the game according to it shows you
Sopa de letras
Alphabet soup fifth grade
Student of the I.E.F, you have to complete the alphabet soup according to the game shows you
Sopa de letras
Alphabet soup fourth grade
Student of the I.E.F, you have to complete the alphabet soup according to that the game shows you
Completar frases
Complete fourth grade
Student of the I.E.F, you have to complete the game according to it shows you
Relacionar Columnas
Relate Columns Tenth
Student of the I.E.F, you have to relate the columns according to that game shows you
Crossword Tenth grade
Student of the I.E.F, you have to complete the crossword according to that game shows you
Relacionar Columnas
Relate Columns ninth
Student of the I.E.f, you have to relate the columns according to the game shows you.
Completar frases
Possessive adjectives-prononuns
In this game, you have to complete the word that lack
Sopa de letras
Alphabet soup Eighth grade
You have to solve the alphabet soup according to the game shows you
Crossword eighth grade
Student of the I.EF, you have to find the words and complete the crossword according to that game shows you.
You have to solve the text with the things that the games shows you.
Relacionar Columnas
Match mosaics sixth grade
Student of the I.E.F, you have to relate the mosaics according to that the game shows you
Sopa de letras
Alphabet soup sixth grade
Student of the I.E.F, you have to complete the alphabet soup, according to the game shows you.
Crossword Seventh grade
You have to solve the crossword according to the game shows you, and fill the frames.