Ordenar Palabras
Ordena las palabras para construir oraciones
ordenar oraciones sencillas y con interrogaciones
Froggy Jumps
Desafío de las Tablas de Multiplicar (6,7 y 8)
Demuestra tus conocimientos sobre las tablas de multiplicar del 6, 7 y 8 con este desafío de preguntas y respuestas.
My House Memory Match
Test your memory and learn about the content of the text 'My house and my neighbourhood' with this fun memory cards game!
Relacionar Columnas
Parts of the body_5 important
Listening exercise about the 5 important parts of the body.
Relacionar Columnas
Listen to the sound and match it with the right picture
Relacionar Columnas
Grammar_It is or They are3
Count the pictures and then, find the picture and its sentence. Remember: It is a = 1 object They are = 2 or more objects.
Grammar_It is or They are4
Memory game. Count the pictures and then, find the picture and its sentence. Remember: It is a = 1 object They are = 2 or more objects.
Relacionar Grupos
Grammar_It is or They are1
Count the pictures and then, choose the correct group. Remember: It is a = 1 object They are = 2 or more objects.
Relacionar Columnas
Grammar_It is or They are2
Count the pictures and then, match the sentence to the pictures. Remember: It is = 1 object They are = 2 or more objects.
Relacionar Columnas
Aumentativos y diminutivos 1
Une cada palabra con su imagen. No puedes fallar y tienes límite de tiempo. ¡Vamos!
Relacionar Columnas
Palabras grandes. Aumentativos
Une cada palabra con su aumentativo. No puedes fallar. Date prisa porque tienes límite de tiempo. ¡VAmos!
Wearing 6: Mr. Yes, No, Question
Read and listen to the clues to guess What am I wearing? Pay attention if it is a Mr. Yes, Mr. No or Mr. Question sentence. THE ANSWER IS A MR.YES SENTENCE.
Relacionar Columnas
Wearing 1: Mr. Yes and Mr. No (D)
Pay attention if it is a Mr. Yes or Mr. No sentence and match.
Relacionar Grupos
Wearing 2: Mr. Yes and Mr. No (D)
Identify affirmative and negative sentences about the clothes.
Weather6: Mr. Yes,No,Question
Read and listen to the clues to guess What's the weather like today? Pay attention if it is a Mr. Yes, Mr. No or Mr. Question sentence. THE ANSWER IS A MR.YES SENTENCE.
Relacionar Columnas
Weather 1: Mr. Yes and Mr. No
Pay attention if it is a Mr. Yes or Mr. No sentence and match.
Relacionar Grupos
Weather 2: Mr. Yes and Mr. No
Identify affirmative and negative sentences about the weather.
Relacionar Grupos
Parts of the body 2
Match each part of the body with the section they belong to: HEAD, TORSO, UPPER LIMBS or LOWER LIMBS.
Ordenar Letras
Vocales, M, P, L, S y T 1
Ejercicios para trabajar la lecto-escritura y conciencia fonológica de estos sonidos.
Ordenar Letras
Universe: Unscramble
Read the definition and unscramble these letter to write the answer
Relacionar Grupos
What kind of food is it?
Match the words according to the kind of food they are and the way the help us
Mapa Interactivo
Hearing: How do they sound?
Click and WRITE: loud, quiet, high-pitched, low-pitched.
Mapa Interactivo
Touch it. Is is....?
Click on these pictures and WRITE: ROUGH, SMOOTH, HOT, COLD, SOFT, HARD. There are 4 rough, 4 smooth, 4 hard, 4 soft, 1 cold and 1 hot.
Ordenar Palabras
Alphabetical order 2
Read these classroom objects and WRITE them in alphabetical order.
Completar frases
To have got, affirmative
Complete these sentences by writing "have got" or "has got"
Mapa Interactivo
Numbers from 1 to 10
Listen and tick the words you hear. Be careful with number three.
Mapa Interactivo
Are these man-made or natural?
Click which one of these features are man-made features and wchich one are natural features.
Mapa Interactivo
Kind of landscape
What kinds of landscape are these? Write the correct option: mountainous, coastal or flat
Relacionar Grupos
Roman buildings
Read these definitions and match them to their corresponding building
Read these questions and prove you know the differences between Palaeolithic and Neolithic period.
Relacionar Grupos
Historical sources
Read these historical sources and classify them into the correct category
Mapa Interactivo
Autonomous Communities (Spain) 2
Write the Spanish names of these autonomous communities
Mapa Interactivo
Autonomous Communities (Spain) 1
Find and Match the 17 autonomous communities of Spain
Relacionar Grupos
What do they eat?
Read the name of these animals and form groups according to what they eat: carnivore, herbivore, omnivore
Mapa Interactivo
Parts of a plant
Look at this tree and this bush. Match the name of the parts with its correct place
Relacionar Grupos
Oviparous or viviparous animal
Match the animals acoording to their kind of reproduction
Ordenar Letras
Family members 8
Move the letters in the correct order to write the names of the family members
Ordenar Letras
Family members 7
Move the letters in the correct order to write the names of the family members
Ordenar Letras
Family members 6
Move the letters in the correct order to write the names of the family members
Ordenar Letras
Family members 5
Move the letters in the correct order to write the names of the family members
Ordenar Letras
Family members 4
Move the letters in the correct order to write the names of the family members
Ordenar Letras
Family members 3
Move the letters in the correct order to write the names of the family members
Ordenar Letras
Family members 2
Move the letters in the correct order to write the names of the family members
Ordenar Letras
Family members 1
Move the letters in the correct order to write the names of the family members
Mapa Interactivo
Blank Map_Relief 2
Write the name on the most important shapes of the relief in Spain
Mapa Interactivo
Parts of the body
Read and click the words. Do it fast because you have only 4 minutes
Mapa Interactivo
Where is the cat?
Look and the pictures and read the instructions. Tick in the correct picture.
Completar frases
Complete the sentences to explain how hydroelectricity reaches our houses.
Read the action and write whether it's contact force or a force which acts at a distance. You also have to say what kind of change it produces: movement or shape (deformed).
Ordenar Letras
3 states of water (3)
Read the words and unscramble the letters to write the correct state
Ordenar Letras
3 states of water (2)
Read the words and unscramble the letters to write the correct state
Ordenar Letras
3 states of water (1)
Read the words and unscramble the letters to write the correct state
Relacionar Grupos
Is it drinking water?
Separate drinking water from the water which is not safe to drink.
Guess the kind of water
Read the clues and guess what kind of water we are talking about.
Sopa de letras
Look for the 5 differents kinds of freshwater.Remember freshwater is the opposite to saltwater.
Relacionar Grupos
Domestic animals: pets or farm
Which ones of these domestic animals are pets? And farm animals?
Sopa de letras
This animals only eat PLANTS. Find them before the time finish, you've got 8 minuts.
Humans and ecosystems
Complete this crossword with words which are related to how people are destoying the Earth and the ways we can save it.
Relacionar Grupos
What am I according to the way I eat?
Make groups according to the way these living things obtain their food.
Mapa Interactivo
Let's point! Consumer, producer, decomposer
Read the instruction and click on the correct objects you can see in the picture below.
Completar frases
3 components of an ecosystem
Read the text and fill in the gaps with the name of the three components of an ecosystem.
What kind of consumer am I?
Read or listen to the clues and guess what kind of consumer I am.
What kind of consumer am I?
Read or listen to the clues and guess what kind of consumer I am.
Ordenar Letras
What am I?
Unscramble the words to tell me what am I according my feeding relationships in my ecosystem.
Ordenar Letras
What am I?
Unscramble the words to tell me what am I according my feeding relationships in my ecosystem.
Ordenar Letras
What am I?
Unscramble the words to tell me what am I according my feeding relationships in my ecosystem.
Relacionar Grupos
Match the animals or plants with their ways to adapt themselves to their ecosystems
Sopa de letras
Components of the habitat
Look for the 5 non-living thing which make up the habitat of an ecosystem.
Actividad para comprobar si se ha comprendido cuándo se utiliza el Presente Simple y para trabajar la estructura de las frases afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas de todos los verbos diferentes al...
At the restaurant 4
Listen to the conversation and write what John have for the main course.
At the restaurant 2
Guess the word which is hidden. You may press the icon "Show clue" if you want some help. You have a maximum of 2 tries. Good luck and have fun!!
At the restaurant 1
Guess the word which is hidden. You may press the icon "Show clue" if you want some help. You have a maximum of 2 tries. Good luck and have fun!!