Adjectives (describing words) unscramble
Ordenar Letrasunscramble the letters to make a word that describes a person
jobs in a film studio
DictadoListen to the jobs and write them down
Big numbers dictation
DictadoWrite the numbers you hear
weekend activities (future)
Relacionar Columnasmatche the phrase to the image
join sound to numbers
Relacionar Columnasrelaciona sonido con el número
numbers 10,20,30...100
Ordenar LetrasEscucha y ordena los numeros
Plus, minus, divide, multiply
Froggy JumpsFind which sign belongs to the word
verbs movers learn-sleep
Relacionar Columnasmatch pairs
verbs movers
Relacionar ColumnasJuego de relacionar
wordsearch food unit 2 be curi
Sopa de letraswordsearch
Food and drink Be curious 4 un
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the picture with the correct word
matching game
crossword sports actions 1
Crucigramafind the missing words
wordsearch sports actions 1
Sopa de letrasfind the words
Matching game sport actions 1
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the image with the correct word
sports 2 crossword
CrucigramaFind the missing words
Sports 2 wordsearch
Sopa de letrasfind the words
Sports 2 matching game
Relacionar Columnasmatch the pictures to the written words
sport 1 dictation
Dictadospell the words correctly
wordsearch sport 1
Sopa de letrasFind the words
Preposotions place wordsearch
Sopa de letrasFind the prepositions
Family dictation
DictadoListen to the audio and spell the words correctly
Family anagram
Ordenar LetrasMove the letters in order to correctly spell the words
Family wordsearch
Sopa de letrasFind the words hidden inside the wordsearch (family)
Spelling transport 2
DictadoListen to the audio and spell the words correctly
wordsearch transport 2
Sopa de letrasFind the words hidden in the wordseach, transport 2
Transport 2 matching game
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the image to the audio (transport)
Transport 1 dictation
DictadoListen to the audio and write the words (transport)
transport 1 wordsearch
Sopa de letrastransport 1 vocabulary wordsearch
matching game transport 1
Relacionar Columnasjuego de relacionar
dictation numbers 10-20
Dictadodictation spelling numbers 10-20
Numbers 10-20
Sopa de letrasNumbers wordsearch
numbers dictation
Dictadonumbers dictation 1 to 10
wordsearch numbers
Sopa de letrasnumbers 1-10
Months of the year wordsearch
Sopa de letraswordsearch months of the year in english
spelling months of the year
Dictadospelling test months of the year
Days of the week
Sopa de letrassopa de letras días de la semana
food and drink 5
Sopa de letrassopa de letras food and drink
Food and drink 4
Sopa de letraswordsearch food and drink
food and drink word search 2
Sopa de letrasSopa de letras food and drink
Food wordsearch
Sopa de letrasSopa de letras food