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Nouns formed with suffixes - Vocabulary NEF Level 4 - Adults
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S B1 K 12 Forschung
Bringen Sie Buchstaben in die richtige Reihenfolge, um Adjektive zu bilden
EF Inter final revision
Solve the crossword. If there are several words in the answer, write them words as one
Ein Spiel, um dein Wissen über die kulturellen Gepflogenheiten in Deutschland zu testen.
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Modal verbs, functions (D)
Find the correct function for each sentence according to the modal verb being used.
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Find eight words in the puzzle that mean "modern". Mind that there are no hyphens, all the words are written together.
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Group the words according to the prepositions they are used with.
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Match these halves of sentences. They are all from newspaper articles or headlines.
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Fill in the gaps in the telephone conversation with a verb and a preposition.