Present Continuous
Completar frasesComplete the sentences with some missing words using Present Continuous.
Action verbs
Sopa de letrasWord search of verbs.
Easy riddles
AdivinanzaTry to find the answer for the riddle. Good luck!
Easy riddles
AdivinanzaFirst think, then try to find the answer for the riddle.
Relacionar GruposAdjectives
Unscramble words
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in the correct order. That's all!
Unscramble words
Ordenar PalabrasPut th e words in order to make sentences.
Unscramble words
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in order to form sentences.
TestPresent continuous
Mapa InteractivoMéxico
CrucigramaDifference between nouns
Rod Stewart
Video QuizSong video Rod Stewart