Capitals of Spanish Speaking Countries
Spell the word from the letters that you hear.
Regular Present Tense Verbs
Verb Phrases and Subjects
Verbs AR, ER, IR, Hacer, Salir
Salir, Hacer, -AR, -ER, -IR Verbs
Video Quiz - Gustar + Frutas
Verb Meanings (-AR Verbs, Jugar)
Present Tense -Ar, Jugar, Ir
Days, Months, Date, Weather, Seasons
Shopping for food and clothing
Food and setting the table
Vocabulary Practice for Train Travel
Ir, Dar, Estar, and Contractions (al y del)
The Verb Tener and Questions
Greetings, Tiles, Months, Days, Courtesy
Spanish II, Chapter 3, Irregular Preterite
The Verb Ser and Questions
Present Tense Stem-changing verbs