Personal Pronouns
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge on personal pronouns with this fun quiz!
Sein Konjugation
Froggy JumpsHilf dem Frosch, den Teich zu überqueren, indem du die richtige Form des Verbs auswählst
Unregelmäßige Verben
Ordenar LetrasBringe die Buchstaben in die richtige Reihenfolge
Verben und ihre Vergangenheitsformen
Relacionar ColumnasFinde die passenden Verben und ihre Vergangenheitsformen in diesem Spiel!
Verben Memory
MemoryEin unterhaltsames Memory-Spiel, um die Verben aus dem Text zu üben und zu lernen.
Solutions PI 6E Compounds (At an airport)
Relacionar ColumnasMatch nouns to get compounds
EF Upper-Int 5A Feeling
Completar frasesChoose the correct adjective
Country studies
Froggy JumpsAnswer the questions about British and American flags
PE6 - Saying where places are
Relacionar ColumnasMatch pictures and prepositions
Crazy detectives
Ordenar LetrasPut the letters into the correct order to get words
Crazy detectives 10
CrucigramaWrite the word according to its description
Job alphabet
Ruleta de PalabrasWrite a job for every letter in alphabet
Crazy detectives
Froggy JumpsChoose the right word
In the playground
Relacionar ColumnasMatch words and pictures
In the playground
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct word
Making contrasts
Completar frasesChoose the missing word that makes contrast
Nützliche Phrasen
MemoryFinden die Paare
Verb to be (positive)
Completar frasesComplete the conversations with a subject (I, She...) and 'm, 's, 're
Kleidung (BF A1 Lek 14)
MemoryFind die Paare
Froggy JumpsChoose the right word
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct comparative form of adjectives
Halloween Vokabeln
Relacionar ColumnasBringen Sie die Wörter und die Bilder zusammen
Halloween Vokabeln
Sopa de letrasFinden Sie alle Wörter
Match the words with their definitions
Robot dogs
CrucigramaFill the crossword with new vocabulary
Sentences in Present Simple (3rd p.s. form)
Completar frasesComplete the sentences with suitable verbs in the third person singular form
TestChoose the right formula for each sentence.
Sopa de letrasFind all the countries
Specialist or generalist?
Relacionar ColumnasMatch specific terms with generic terms
Meals and cooking
Ordenar LetrasPut the letters into the correct order to get the vocabulary item
Froggy JumpsChoose the right answer
Haben Konjugation
Froggy JumpsHilf dem Frosch, den Teich zu überqueren, indem du die richtige Form des Verbs auswählst
Find the word!
Sopa de letrasFind the words for tourist and visitor attractions
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words
Soft & hard skills
Relacionar GruposOrganize qualities/skills into relevant groups of soft or hard skills
Sopa de letrasFind words about active travelling
Compound nouns (transport)
Relacionar ColumnasFind pairs
Food (part 2)
Sopa de letrasWords connected with food
Food (part 1)
Sopa de letrasFind words connected with food
Collocations with adjectives
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the options
Words about personality
MemoryMatch a word with its translation
MemoryMatch the word & its translation
School subjects
MemoryLet's review the subjects!
Let's repeat the vocabulary!
MemoryMatch the word with its image