Sopa de letrasFind the words.
Read and unscramble
Ordenar LetrasRead the words and complete the sentence.
Read and unscramble
Ordenar PalabrasPut the words in the correct order.
Relacionar ColumnasFind the correct picture.
Green eggs and ham
Relacionar ColumnasFind the rhymes.
Days of the week
Sopa de letrasFind all 7 days.
Months of the year
Relacionar ColumnasMatch audio to the correct month.
The Mitten - colours
Relacionar ColumnasMatch audio to the correct picture.
The Mitten
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the audio to the correct picture.
How many?
Relacionar ColumnasCount. Preštej.
Penguin and Pinecone
Relacionar ColumnasFind the correct picture.
Christmas words
Ordenar LetrasUnscramble the word.
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the words and the pictures.
Sopa de letrasFind the words.
I'm a little snowman
Relacionar ColumnasMatching sounds to the pictures.
Town Mouse and Country Mouse
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the word and the picture.
Find the rhyme.
Relacionar ColumnasPoišči rimo.
School objects
Relacionar ColumnasRevision. Ponavljanje.
Relacionar ColumnasRevision. Ponavljanje.