Pt 11 Unit 4
Ordenar LetrasKids learns about enviromental vocabulary
kids froggy jomp c5
Froggy Jumpskids review previous knowledge
Family star
Mapa Interactivostudents identify the family members
Fruit Frenzy Unscramble
Ordenar LetrasTest your knowledge of delicious produce with this fun letter game!
Sopa de letraskids learn about celebrations
Kb 4 present continuous parts of the house
Ordenar Palabraskids learn about the activities in the different parts of the house
Parts of the house
Sopa de letrasEnglish
verbs in simple form
Relacionar Columnasmatch the images whit the rigth verb
Verb to be
TestMultiples preguntas del verbo to be.
Verb to be
Completar frasesInstructions: Write the correct form of the verb to be (am, is, are).
Kd box 3 Review
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge about the Kd box 3 English course with this fun quiz game! .
Can / Can't
Ordenar PalabrasKids learn about possibillities and skills
Vocabulary of Clothes
Crucigramacompleta el crucigrama con la lista de vocabulario que esta en classroom de la ropa.
Animals groups
Relacionar GruposStudents learn the difference between different animals
Parts of the animals
Mapa Interactivostudents learn abot the different animals
Wild Animals
Sopa de letrasStudents learn to describe animals
Senses Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge about the senses in English with this fun quiz game!
Parts of life
Relacionar Gruposstudents will learn about the stages of life
My face Descriptions
CrucigramaKids learn about descriptions for the face parts
My face
Sopa de letrasKids learn about the parts of the face and their descriptions
Passive voice
Ordenar PalabrasStudents review the structures of passive voice
Technology Buzzwords
Mapa InteractivoStudents will learn vocabulary about technology
Map of the farm
Mapa InteractivoKids learn about colors with animals in a farm
Pets Crossword
CrucigramaKids learn vocabulary about the animals in the house.
descriptions for pets
Sopa de letraskids learn to describe a pet
Pets for kid box 2
Ordenar PalabrasKids learn about words for pets in English
Our pets
Mapa InteractivoKids learn about the pets in the book
Animal Kingdom Unscramble
Ordenar LetrasGuess the animal words by unscrambling!
Solar system
Sopa de letrasStudents will learn new vocabulary about the solar system
Family Fun Word Scramble
Ordenar PalabrasUnscramble words related to family in this engaging game!
Physical descriptions
MemoryUse the verb to be for describe some people or things
Family Descriptions
Sopa de letraskids will mix vocabulary to describe their family members
Scrambled Family
Ordenar LetrasKids learn about the family vocabulary
Simple present (Affirmative / Negative)
Mapa InteractivoReview simple present verbs in affirmative and negative
Sports and competitions
CrucigramaWith this crossword puzzle we will practice the vocabulary learnt in this session.
Evolve C-5 U-3.1
Sopa de letrasStudents look for vacuabulary about sports
possessive adjectives
Mapa InteractivoStudents will learn the difference between the possessive adjectives and the personal pronouns
Cupils Homework 2
Mapa InteractivoYou will difference between plural and singular verbs
KB 1 prepositions
Froggy JumpsStudents will review the prepositions seen in class
Cupils Homework
Mapa InteractivoReview simple present verbs in affirmative and negative
Choose the correct answer.
Present Continuous
Relacionar ColumnasMatch the sentences to the correct picture.
Present Simple and Continuous
Completar frasesUse the correct tense for each sentence. Simple Present vs Present Continuous.
Activity 2 Classroom Objects
CrucigramaComplete the crossword with the correct vocabulary.
Vocabulary for the classroom
Froggy Jumps15 objects to use in a classroom
Family kids box
MemoryEncuentra cada pareja
Toys 1
Sopa de letrasFind the toys
winter camp
Completar frasesstudents review vocabulary from the course
possessive 's / s'
Ordenar Palabrasstudents will practice with the possessives
Winter camp prepositions
Froggy JumpsStudents will review the prepositions seen in class
prepositions of place (D)
Relacionar Columnasmatch the preposition with the correct picture
Kid box 1 toys
Sopa de letraskids box 1
Act vocabulary review
Ordenar Letrasstudents will review the vocabulary learned in class
Act Who
Crucigramastudents learn to identify the subjects
classroom objects and colors
Sopa de letrasstudents will review the classroom objects and colored them
Sopa de letras (D)
Sopa de letrasEn esta actividad tienen que encontrar las palabras escondidas en la sopa de letras.
School objects kb1
Ordenar Letraskids learn about school objects
Expressions for greeting
Ordenar PalabrasKids review the different expressions for greeting
Winter Camp Act Expressions
Froggy Jumpskids learn about different expresions to greet
Act Hello
Froggy JumpsStudents will learn the different expressions for greeting
Game changer 2 Course 7 Opposites
Relacionar ColumnasStudents relate different adjectives
Game changer 2 Course 7 Adjectives
Sopa de letrasstudents learn about opposites
Sopa de letrasStudnets learn about music genders
Indirect speech
Froggy Jumpsstudents will identified the correct form of the verb in the Reported speech
House problems
Crucigramareview vocabulary for House objects
Sopa de letrasstudents will look for vocabulary about profesionals
students will see different news aitems and discuss them
verbs (Ed /ING) (D)
Sopa de letrasVerbs to Adjectives Ed / ing
Game changer starter (Pt1 / Act29)
Ordenar Letrasteens review the vocabulary in Unit 1
Game changer 3 Obligations
Ordenar Palabrasteens learn about obligations
Game changer starter (Pt1 / Act28)
Sopa de letraskids learn about music styles
Game changer starter (Pt1 / Act23)
Froggy Jumpsteens learn how to use different possessives
happy summer act 22
Sopa de letrasKids learn abour words from different parts of the world
Game changer starter (Pt1 / Act18)
Ordenar Palabrasstudents learn the correct order of questions
Game changer starter (Pt1 / Act17)
Completar frasesteens learn the verb be in question form
Game changer starter (Pt1 / Act13)
Sopa de letrasKids will learn how to spell and write the countries and natonalities
Game changer starter (Pt1 / Act12)
Froggy JumpsTeens learn to use countries and natinalities
Game changer starter (Pt1 / Act7)
Ordenar PalabrasTeens learn about countries and nationallities
Sopa de letrasFind the free time activities
Family 3
Mapa Interactivoput the names to the corect people
Family 2
MemoryMatch the picture with the correct name
Relacionar ColumnasEncuentra las parejas relacionadas con el tema de la familia en este divertido juego de memoria.
Game changer starter (Pt1 / Act4)
Sopa de letrasFind the hidden words related to personal information in this word search puzzle!
Game changer starter (Pt1 / Act3)
Completar fraseskids learn the use of verb be with different subjects
Game changer starter (Pt1 / Act2)
Ordenar Palabrasteens learn how to use the verb be
Parts of the house
Ordenar Letrasgood for kids
toys kids box 5
Mapa Interactivogood for kids
Classroom objects
Ordenar Palabrasclass room objects
Crucigramanumber from 1 to 10 for children
Ordenar Letrasgames of colors
Sopa de letrasKids box 5 good for kids
Body parts
Ordenar Letrasgood for kids
our pets
Crucigramavocabulary about pets
family descriptions
Sopa de letrasdescriptions for the family
Family Kb - 2
Sopa de letrasPractice and learn family vocabulary
Kb - 8 Review
Sopa de letrasgood for kids
kb 8 review
Froggy Jumpsenglish is good
Sopa de letrasgood for kids
kids box review
Froggy Jumpskid box 7
review kb_7
Sopa de letrasreview
kb - 7 clothe
Sopa de letrasclothing vocabulary
kids box 10 week
Sopa de letraswdaxax
farm animals kb 07
Crucigramagood for kids
animals KB 07
Sopa de letrasgood for kids
Crucigramagood for kids
kids box 8
Sopa de letrasgood for kids
hobbies kb 8
Crucigramagood for kids
kb 8 semi
Sopa de letrashobbies to teach to children
weather kb 12
Sopa de letrasweather vocabulary
Crucigramastudents learn about the opposite adjectives
animals kb 12
Sopa de letraskids learn about the animals of the world
Sopa de letraslearn adjectives to describe people
in the country
Sopa de letraskb 10 activity
kids box 10 prices
Sopa de letrastalk about prices
kids box 10
Crucigramacheck vocabulary
Sopa de letrastalk about different places in the city
kids box 11
Sopa de letraskb material
kb sat pm
Crucigramakibs box material
kb 11
Sopa de letraskibs box 11
everyday life
Crucigramause diferent verbs to talk about daily activities